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MNC “Remind” App: This year’s edition

Hello all MNC members and families,

For the second year, we will be utilizing the “Remind” app system for members interested in up-to-the-minute news on snow conditions, weather warnings, and practice cancellations. Our webpage blogs and Google Docs (Juniors and Masters) will still be primary avenues for communication, but for those interested in utilizing Remind services our coaches will make an effort to convey info here as well.

What is Remind?

How do MNC members sign up? See below!

MNC Masters

MNC Juniors



MNC Annual Meeting

Thank you to everyone who came out to the MNC Annual Meeting last night! We had many great moments and experiences to look back on, and the great turnout and positive energy showed that our club is ready for a great winter ahead. Some of the events of the evening included:

  • Rental and distribution of Friday Fox ski equipment with Dan
  • A fun “hash run” at Mills Riverside park, organized by Jim and JoAnn. Lots of twists and turns, and it’s safe to say everyone got some solid distance covered!
  • A delicious potluck meal with dishes from all of our members
  • Speeches and discussions from Kort and Adam on the club’s past, present, and future [Presentation Link]
  • A discussion from special guest Patrick Weaver on his time as a US Ski Team athlete and Olympian, as well as his take on skiing in college. [Presentation Link]
  • A raffle and silent auction featuring gear and goodies from Toko, Mammut, and Bobo’s Oat Bars.

Here are a couple of photos. There are surely more to come, so as they arrive please check the MNC Flickr album for more! Special thanks to big organizers like Sharon Henry and Jim Fredericks for helping to craft this awesome event.

Ready to kick off the run

Ready to kick off the run

Tasty potluck spread!

Tasty potluck spread!

Enjoying all that food

Enjoying all that food

Kort sharing some programming info

Kort sharing some programming info

Pat Weaver sharing some ski memories. Look for a video of Patrick's talk soon!

Pat Weaver sharing some ski memories. Look for a video of Patrick’s talk soon!

Masters 1k uphill run

It was a dark and chilly night at the Range on Thursday, but calm skies and bright trailside lights meant the conditions were fast for the first official MNC Masters 1k Uphill Run Test (which needs a shorter name!).

We decided to measure fitness and speed with a tough course from the bottom of Badger Loop up to the red Range Flag near the parking lot. Look for the Strava segment soon: we’re thinking this will be a good test to repeat on snow as well as pavement! The gauntlet has been thrown down and we look forward to adding more course times and seeing improvements as the seasons progress.


A second running of the course...together!

A second running of the course…together!

Everyone tackled the course a second time afterward, because it turned out to be a pretty fun way to dig deep…plus, skiers always love embracing the challenge of an uphill!

Masters 1km Uphill

Masters SkiErg technique!

Check out this video from some Masters on the SkiErg this past Thursday. Lots of small adjustments to body position and poling power can be found by using “partner-bands”, also known as some old bike tubes. These are sometimes also referred to as “Putney Armbands” since their genesis comes from the legendary John Caldwell or Putney, VT.

The bands help skiers feel more comfortable in the forward and high hip position we strive for on snow. The side-view camera angle can really show the differences! It is also important to look at how power is applied, and how the hips move throughout the whole cycle. Enjoy!

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