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Masters Training: 8/22 – 8/28

8/27: Ski walking and ski bounding with other MNC members at the Honey Hollow “Open Session”. Read more, and find directions, by clicking HERE

8/28: Rollerski at Georgia Town Park with Rick. Departing at 9am!

And food for thought: a very interesting website and online platform for XC ski technique, drills, skills, and more! and their new online platform XC Ski Nation


Stonegrinding through Caldwell Sport


If the hot summer days (or last winter’s racecourses) have left your skis parched for a new stonegrind, the time to act is now!

MNC will be offering to send a grouped batch of skis to Zach Caldwell in September…if you would like to have your skis included in the order please fill out this Google Doc (click for link) and communicate with Adam ( to coordinate a meeting for payment and ski transfer. Stonegrinding cost will be between $65 and $75, depending on the total number of MNC orders. The more skis, the better the deal! 

This document is related directly to the information used on the Caldwell Sport work order form. When all MNC orders have been included, I (Adam) will create a single CS work order form so submit with a one-time payment. For more information on grind options, please see some more information on the Caldwell Sport website. 

Caldwell Sport Grind Menu

Grind Development

Tentatively we would like to have the MNC batch ready to grind by Monday, September 19st when Adam will ship or drive them to Putney. Please have your skis ready by having them scraped, brushed and attached base-to-base (no ski ties) via tape or Saran wrap. The whole process is made even easier if your skis have a piece of tape on them indicating “MNC” as well as the desired grind, although they will be double-checked prior to delivery. 

On Hotboxing

Gary Solow and Sharon Henry have inherited a very high-quality heatbox made by Don Harmeyer based on instructions from Zach Caldwell. While Caldwell Sport offers a heatboxing option, it is also possible to coordinate a date to use the MNC hotbox for a reduced price. Stay tuned for some dates on that in the fall!


John Family Ski/BBQ Potluck this Saturday!

Saturday, August 6th: join in for a long rollerski or bike ride in the beautiful Champlain Islands, followed by a BBQ potluck at the John Family camp in Milton!

Bring a towel, chairs, and a dish to share (desert and salads requested: BBQ entrees are taken care of)

John Family Ski Potluck Signup

We will begin our workout at 9am. Rollerskiers will skate ski for 2+ hours, and the road biking is also fantastic if anyone is interested! Masters are encouraged to attend!

Address: 668  Everest Rd, Milton 

Directions: Route 7 North

  • Left ar Chimney Corners (at light) onto Route 2 west
  • After you cross the Lamoille River take first Right onto Bear Trap Rd.
  • Go ~2miles and then take a Left (around the barn) onto Cadreact Rd.(gravel)
  • Go ~2 miles and then take a Left at the intersection onto Everest Rd.( paved)
  • Go ~ 1mile and bear Right at the mail boxes, go down the hill and we are the little yellow camp  on the left ( has a fence with grapes growing on it)
  • Park anywhere on the grass

Introducing the MNC Summer 5k Run!

I am excited to announce that Saturday, July 9th will mark the first annual MNC Summer 5k Run! That’s right, we are teaming up with our partners at Skirack to host a 5k running race on some awesome trails behind Palmer’s Sugarhouse in Shelburne!

Event  details like day-of-race schedule, parking, and registration will be forthcoming. This race will be a project of the MNC Junior team who will help with trail work on the course, marking the race loop, designing posters, and helping to set-up and run the event itself.

Our first order of business, however, is to decide on a proper title for this event! I’d like to welcome any and all MNC members and fans to use the form below to submit suggestions…some concepts to keep in mind when thinking of a name:

  • this race is low-key, low-cost, and geared toward every level: first-time 5k runner to year-round competitor
  • the title would ideally include a reference to “Mansfield Nordic Club” or “MNC”
  • racing will occur on a beautiful network of trails adjacent to Palmer’s Sugarhouse on the Shelburne/Hinesburg town line
  • small prizes will be donated by Skirack to be awarded by raffle after the conclusion of the event
  • if parents and athletes are willing to pitch-in there is potential for a bake sale or BBQ element at the race

Thanks to our awesome supporter Skirack for helping to organize and run this event!


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