To all MNC members, friends, family and visitors
I’d like to pass on some news and updates from our primary training site, the Camp Ethan Allen Firing Range (aka “The Range”)

Vehicle Speeding
I have been approached by Range officials twice in the past two weeks regarding excessive speed from vehicles during out allotted training time. The powers-that-be were quick to point out that the speeding cars were not necessarily MNC skiers (other groups are also using the ski loops during the same time we are) but asked for reminders to be sent out.
The 25mph speed limit (20mph once in the “tactical area” on the dirt road) will now be more heavily enforced, potentially with State Police. This speed zone actually begins when turning into the entrance road from Brown’s Trace road.
New Construction
The wait is over, and after a long stint of construction there are big changes around the Walker Building including better drainage, 3 brand new woodstoves and, most relevant, brand new bathrooms and showers. These upgrades are a big privilege and it is up to us to do our part to keep things clean, organized and functional.
Each season, we may send out a few calls for donations of toilet paper and cleaning supplies…and there may be a practice here or there that ends with us cleaning the bathrooms, bringing in firewood and getting out the brooms. Let’s make our own work easier by keeping things clean in the first place!
Walker Building Sign-out
We have been fortunate with evening Masters Training lately thanks to the construction: the Walker Building was left open and we could essentially arrive and leave as we pleased, often skiing right up to 7:30pm. Now, the building must be signed out in a more official capacity, and the key needs to be returned before 7:30pm. This means training will need to end closer to 7:20pm to ensure the building is clear and clean, with the key returned on time.
Let’s continue treating these facilities and hosts with respect so that we can keep enjoying the benefits provided to us!