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Masters and BK Ski Practice Canceled for Thursday 1/8/15

Sorry folks – No Skiing on Thursday.  the wind-chill is going to be about -30 F tomorrow and as tough as all of you are common sense sys we should not ski tomorrow. If possible head to the gym, work on your skis and watch some ski videos instead.

This weekend:
On our schedule we have the Bogburn as a club supported race.  That means we will have a couple of coaches on hand to help wax and hand out some always questionable advice.  Please email Coach Rick if you plan on racing.
 We have done the Stowe Min Marathon in the past but last year it was canceled and we switched our focus to the Bogburn when the schedule conflicted.  HOWEVER – If anyone wants to do this, it is a fun ski and a chance to ski longer classic distances with support but in a non-competitive atmosphere.  The blueberry soup is delicious and give you a purple smile! You do wear a number but it’s not a race.  If there is enough interest Coach Rick will bring wax support and ski with the group.  Please email Rick if you are going.


Harmeyer Brothers Racing at Nationals

The first week of January features some of the best ski racing in North America: Senior National Championships. The series consists of 4 races: 2 sprints, a distance skate, and a mass-start distance classic. While the series is considered an “open” event in that anybody can register and participate, it is really just the creme-de-la-creme that attend.

Senior National Championships (as opposed to Junior Nationals) crowns our true national champs. In addition, this series serves as a major qualification series to get to race in Europe. Athletes in different age categories are competing for World Cup start rights, as well as positions on the U23 World Championship Trip, the Junior World Championship Trip (U20) and the Scandinavian Cup Trip (U18).

Bill and Henry Harmeyer are currently in Houghton, Michigan for these competitions. The temps are bitter cold, and it is snowing a few inches every single day. At this point, they’ve contested the first 2 events: the 15km skate race and the classic sprint. Bill and Henry didn’t have the best races of their lives in the 15km, but both came back fierce in the sprint. They’ve been targeting that race for many months now doing double-pole intervals in the hills of Williston and all kinds of intervals.

The race was slow and long for a sprint. Usually a sprint takes in the neighborhood of 2:45 – 3:30. But yesterday, the fastest men in the nation came through in 4:23. In spite of the length and difficulty, Bill and Henry both had excellent results. Henry qualified for the Junior Boys Heats (top 30 boys U20) and made it all the way to the A-Final! He finished 2nd in his quarterfinal, then 3rd in his semifinal but he skied fast enough to advance by the “lucky loser” rule. By the A-final he ran out of gas but managed to be 8th junior of the day (including all U20) and he was 3rd in his age-group (U18)!

Bill Harmeyer skied a strong race that he was quite happy with. He said he “romped up some of the hills” and had a strong double-pole into the finish when many others were striding. Alas, he narrowly missed out on the Junior Boys Heats by 0.25 seconds. But his result still put him as the 9th-place U18 boy of the day!!

Henry’s 3rd place performance of the U18 category earned him some major points towards qualifying for the U18 Scandinavia Cup Trip. The top 6 boys qualify for the trip based off of their best 2-out-of-3 races. The 3rd race takes place tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:00am… the 10km classic mass-start!

Bill in the qualifier

Bill in the qualifier

Henry in the qualifier. 7" of snow fell in 3 hours.

Henry in the qualifier. 7″ of snow fell in 3 hours.

Live timing and results are available via

The unofficial standings for the U18 Scando Cup Trip are as follows:

Henry currently ranked 7th

Henry currently ranked 7th, Bill in 19th

BK and Masters this week 1/5-1/11/2015 Updated 1/6

There is a 700 m loop available for skiing today. Dress warm!

Well, once again skiing is questionable at the range but cold weather comes back tonight so please check here for updates as we find out if there is enough snow to ski on Tuesday and Thursday.

Here’s what we have on the schedule for the week as long as conditions allow.

Tuesday 1/5
BK – skate skiing.  Kids 12 and older – BIATHLON DAY with the EABC so make sure you have gloves that you can use for shooting.  Mittens don’t work well with biathlon rifles.

Masters – skate skiing – technique work and as much time skiing as possible

Thursday 1/7 – BK and Masters will classic ski. Wax recommendations will be posted on Wednesday.

BK -Classic skiing – Parent waxing helpers that want to continue learning and helping – meet coaches Rick and Anna as soon as you arrive in the Walker Building and you will help kick-wax for the kids today. ALL skiers – please come in and get wax help as soon as you arrive please do not wait until we are already to ski to let us know your wax isn’t working.

Masters – Classic skiing.  Wax help inside the Walker Building if you need it. We will work on racing tips to get ready for the Bogburn on Saturday.

BK AND MASTERS: 1/10 – Bogburn Classic Race is ON!!! Just received a message from the Haydock’s.  The snow held up in N. Pomfret so make sure you sign up for the race on Saturday. Photos of the trails are posted on their Facebook page at

Option for the Ladies at Trapps: Ladies Nordic Expo

Looking Ahead

See NENSA website for Mtn Top Paintball Biathlon Info

Latest Post:
Registration open for Mountain Top Paintball Biathlon!

Register now for the 10th Annual Paintball Biathlon at Mountain Top in Chittenden, Vt on February 1st, 2015. Mountain Top is the originator of Paintball Biathlon and have a spectator friendly site to host this exciting event. This event is open to all ages and includes a 10th Annual Commemorative Buff! Sign up here before January 30th and try your hand at Biathlon.


Saturday 1/3/15 BK and Masters – Craftsbury

Saturday we will ski at Craftsbury instead Lake Placid.  We’ll wait for some better snow conditions and try for another time in LP.

Saturday BK Racing Team – Classic Ski 10:30 – 12:00 with Coaches Rick and Anna
Please email Rick at if you will be there

Masters Classic Ski Workout – 10:30 – 12:00 Coach Ollie – Classic Technique with long intervals in preparation for the marathon.
Please email Rick at if you will be there


We will have a bench set up and some club waxes. Please be there early if you need help waxing skis.  Most likely it will be a klister base covered by hardwax.  If you have time heat in a green klister base/binder on Friday night.




12/29 2nd Update – BK and Masters

BK and Early Masters at Craftsbury on Tuesday 10:30 with skate skis

Dan is making snow tonight (Monday) and it looks like there will be a minimum of 500 m out and back trail and possibly a longer loop. So the range will be available by 5:45 for Masters to ski.  Due to the holiday schedules won’t have our usual contingent of coaches but you are welcome to come and ski.

No ski practice on Thursday – Happy New Year!

The Saturday trip to Lake Placid is TBD based on trail conditions. We will consider other options so check back here frequently.


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