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Weekend Update 12/26

Great ski at Trapp’s today despite the meltdown!

  • SANTA’S REVENGE has been canceled
  • Tuesday BK and Early Masters will be at Craftsbury Meet at 10:30 AM
  • 6:00 Masters TBD – once we find out if there is enough snow left on the trails at the range.  If you don’t have to work and would like to ski with the early group you are very welcome to meet us in Craftsbury. Trail passes can be purchased in the lodge.
  • Thursday 1/1/15 – No Ski Practice.  Happy New Year
  • Jan 3rd – our Lake Placid Olympic Trails ski – TBD depending on conditions.

Do your best Snow Dance……

Trapp’s Ski is still on!

FAMILY SKI AT TRAPPS  – 10 AM 12/26/14

I spoke with the XC folks at Trapp’s this morning and the trails survived the rain.  Please meet me at the Nordic Center by 10 AM.  Once I have an accurate count I will go in and buy all the tickets at once and then collect $ from everyone. So please bring cash or a check book.

$19 adult and $7 for those under 18.

Today they say the classic is good on red klister or no-wax skis and although there may be some thin spots all 65 km are open today. Feel free to choose whichever technique you prefer or bring both skate and classic. On my list right now we have about 20 people that have expressed an interest in going.

Coach Rick

BK and Masters Dec 22-31, 2014

Please check blog updates before each practice especially in times of uncertain weather or snow conditions.  Thanks!

12/23 Tuesday – Normal ski time at the range with skate skis .  Parents are encouraged to bring snack or treats for the kids to share after practice in the Walker Building. The forecast is for is for rain so please check the blog before heading to the range in case we are forced to cancel.

12/25 – Merry Christmas – no ski practice

12/26 – **RESPONSE REQUIRED**Special Family Ski Day At Trapp Family Lodge 10 AM – Everyone welcome and technique is your choice. 

  • If you are going…EMAIL COACH RICK at with the number of adults and number of kids in your group and let us know if you already have a seasons pass.  Trail passes will be $19/adult and 7$ kids (18 and under).  We must submit our numbers to the office at Trapp’s ahead of time.

12/27 -28 – Two Great Race Options for the weekend.

Saturday 12/27  Mt. Hor Hop
  • Coach Leigh Mallory will be at this one to provide expert advise and moral support!
  •  Please check out the info on the website – this will be fun event for all ages. Coaches for this one TBD (Coach Rick is unavailable for the weekend).  (MNC BK Parent Damian Bolduc is organizing this event).
12/30  – Since there is no school BK and Early Masters will be at Craftsbury 10 AM – Technique TBD depending on weather and snow conditions. There will be a 6 PM masters ski at the range for the those that have to work – sorry!!
Looking Ahead
1/1/15 – Happy New Year! No ski practice – Range Closed
1/3/15 – **RESPONSE REQUIRED** Ski the Olympic Trails in Lake Placid
Coach Rick invites you back to his old stomping grounds for a day of skiing at Mt Van Hoevenberg.
Group discount is in the works and details will be posted.  Please email Rick if you are interested going.  It’s about 1:45 min trip from Burlington and car pooling is recommended. This is for all age groups and once we know how many are interested and check on snow and weather conditions we will formulate a more detailed plan with our coaches.


BK and Masters Dec 16-21, 2014

Weather Forecast is for warm and possibly wet so we will plan on SKATE skiing both days.  HOWEVER – if the forecast changes and we can switch to classic without using up too much time waxing, we will switch one of the days to CLASSIC.  Please check the blog before heading to ski practice. 


BK – SKATE RACE at Rikert (near Middlebury) races for all BK age groups. An opportunity for Bill Koch Skiers to take part in the exciting Eastern Cup atmosphere. Races start off at 9 am and will go off in waves according to age/gender and numbers of registrants. Lollipop aprox 300m, 1/2 and 3/4 1k, 5/6 and 7/8 2k. Registration: DAY OF RACE REGISTRATION ONLY IN THE BARN STARTING AT 8:00am. $5 entry fee. Contact:Keith Wilkerson – Website:

Masters and (almost Masters) – DISTANCES & TECHNIQUE:

  • Saturday- Classic Interval Start, 5km U16, 5km Women, 10km Men
  • Sunday- Freestyle Mass Start, 5km U16, 10km Women, 15km Men

Registration: Online registration now open.  All competitors are encouraged to register online with NENSA. $35 per race for NENSA Members; $45 for non-members. Late fee add $10.00. Mail in registration can also be sent to the Frost Mountain Nordic, P.O. Box 291, Middlebury, VT 05753. Online deadline will be Wednesday, December 17 at 9pm. Mail in registrations must be received by Tuesday,  December 16 at 5pm. Day of race registration and bib pick up will be available Saturday starting at 8:00am. Day or registrants will be seeded at the end of their respective race categories.No day of race registration on Sunday – bib pick starts at 8:00 am. Website: Register: Link to Registration Page

Watch World Cup Nordic & Biathlon Online!

World Cup Nordic races are available live online via a semi-questionable website known as They have a lot of pop-ups but I’ve been using the site for years now and never encountered any real problems besides the ads. Races typically occur on the weekends between ~5:00am and 9:00am EST.

World Cup Biathlon races are available live online as well as anytime after the event ends. The website is the IBU Eurovision.

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