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Masters Fall Training 11/12-11/23 – UPDATED 11/13/14

Masters Training Schedule – updated 11/13/14 – NOTE WE WILL BE AT BOLTON WITH THE JRS ON SUNDAY 16th

We have had some very good rollerskiing in Cambridge and Williston this past week along with super strength training on Tuesdays and dry-land  ski  sessions at the range on Thursday nights.  Hope you can join us this week! The fall masters program is being offered at no cost but donations to MNC are gladly accepted.

Be sure to email Dennis by Monday each week to let him know if you will be at the strength workout in South Burlington. and Please email or text Rick ( or 370-5686) by Thursday at noon if you are going to the Thursday Dry-Land Training and by Saturday afternoon if you will be rollerskiing with us on Sunday – THANKS! Be sure to check the blog each week for updates and before heading out to training.  At this time of year some activities are weather dependent.  As the colder weather approaches we will ski the Notch Road with headlamps if we get some good early season snow coverage.


11th and 18th  and- Tuesday Strength Session w/ Dennis at Dee Physical Therapy 23 San Remo Dr. South Burlington  — 6PM

13 and 20th – Thursday Dry-Land Training at the Range w/Rick  @ 5:30-7:00 BRING HEAD LAMP

Sunday 16th – Bolton Ski walking 3-4 ascents – bring classic length ski poles 10 – 12 at the base of the ski hill, on the right as you pill into the parking lot

23rd – TBD – The Notch Road was very close to being skiable last weekend.  If coverage is good enough we will ski on Sundays. If not we will consider a rollerski if the roads are good or a hike so please check back here later in the week for an update.


Masters Training 10/27- 11/9/2014

Masters Training Schedule – updated 10/26/14 

Excellent rollerski in Williston this morning – rain held off and the pavement was very good with not much traffic.

Be sure to email Dennis by Monday each week to let him know if you will be at the strength workout in South Burlington. and Please email or text Rick ( or 370-5686) by Thursday at noon if you are going to the Thursday Dry-Land Training and by Saturday afternoon if you will be rollerskiing with us on Sunday – THANKS! Be sure to check the blog each week for updates and before heading out to training.  At this time of year some activities are weather dependent.  As the colder weather approaches we will ski the Notch Road with headlamps if we get some good early season snow coverage.


28 – Tuesday Strength Session w/ Dennis at Dee Physical Therapy 23 San Remo Dr. South Burlington  — 6PM

30  – Thursday Dry-Land Training at the Range w/Rick  @ 5:30- BRING HEAD LAMP


 2 – Sunday Rollerski from Cambridge Post Office  – Lower Pleasant Valley Road 9:30 AM

4 – Tuesday Strength Session w/ Dennis at Dee Physical Therapy 23 San Remo Dr. South Burlington  — 6PM

6 – Thursday Dry-Land Training at the Range w/Rick  @ 5:30- BRING HEAD LAMP

9 – Sunday Rollerski Time Trial – Williston 9:30 AM – Meet behind Williston School


Masters 10/21-10/26 – Location Updated 10/21

Fall Training this week -Oct 21-26 2015

21 –  Tuesday Strength Session w/ Dennis at Dee Physical Therapy 23 San Remo Dr. South Burlington  — 6PM be sure to email Dennis if you will be there   –

23  – Thursday Dry-Land Training at Ethan Allen Biathlon Range 5:30 – BRING HEAD LAMP JUST IN CASE.  Please email or text Rick if you will be there or 370-5686.

25  – Saturday Join Jrs for Bolton hill climb time trial 10 AM

26  – Rollerski Time Trial – Williston – meet at Williston School  9AM – warmup up and technique work along with course preview start time trial at 10 AM.  Distance likely around 5-7 km. Please email or text Rick if you will be there or 370-5686.

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