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Masters Fall Training 10/13 – 10/26

  • 10/14  – Tuesday Strength Session w/ Dennis at Dee Physical Therapy 23 San Remo Dr. South Burlington  — 6PM
  • 10/16  – Thursday Dry- Mills River Side Park Underhill 5:30 BRING HEAD LAMP
  • 10/19  – Sunday Distance classic ski @ Round Church – Richmond 9 AM
  • 10/21 –  Tuesday Strength Session w/ Dennis at Dee Physical Therapy 23 San Remo Dr. South Burlington  — 6PM
  • 10/23  – Thursday Dry- Mills River Side Park Underhill 5:30 – BRING HEAD LAMP
  • 10/26  – Rollerski Time Trial – Williston – meet at Williston School  9AM

This program is being offered at no charge but donations to MNC to support MNC ski programs for all ages are welcome and encouraged.

Masters Fall Training 9/29/14 – 10/12/14



30  – Tuesday Strength Session w/ Dennis at Dee Physical Therapy 23 San Remo Dr. South Burlington  — 6PM


2  – Thursday Mills River Side Park Underhill 5:30

4  – Saturday Mammut Stampy Stomp 15K Trail Race at Catamount  – Not an MNC event but it looks like fun for the runners of the group.

5  – Sunday Distance rollerski – Meet at Williston School 9 AM – Skate or classic.  Multiple loops using bike path and quiet neighborhood roads. Park in back lot by soccer fields.

7 – Tuesday Strength Session w/ Dennis at Dee Physical Therapy 23 San Remo Dr. South Burlington  — 6PM

9  – Thursday Dryland location TBA

12  – Sunday FAMILY HIKE – MT MANSFIELD 9AM Underhill State Park – For some this will be a combo run/hike.


It’s Winter in Argentina


While most of us have been enjoying the summer weather a few Vermonters headed to the southern hemisphere for some skiing in Argentina. Camilla skied with MNC and Craftsbury last winter while staying with the Massey-Bierman’s.  This summer she and her family invited the Massey-Biermans to spend some time in Argentina where it currently is winter.  Reports of excellent skiing and wonderful people have been coming in.


Sisters Marika and Quincy set up for quick turn during a race


Quincy skiing hard….as always!

Camilla,Marika and Quincy

The girls tear it up during the classic portion of the pursuit race.


Notice Camila's excellent classic form!

Notice Camila’s excellent classic form!

Camilla, Quincy and Marika during a pursuit format competition

Camilla, Quincy and Marika during a pursuit format competition


MNC coaches and volunteers helped organize the Flynn School Exchange Zone for the Vermont City Marathon and talked to young athletes at the Yam Scram about Nordic skiing and MNC.

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Ken Bruce lead a small group on a hike up “The Chin” of Mt Mansfield.  It was a beautiful sunny day with spectacular views from the Sunset Ridge Trail.  There is also an active Raven’s nest on the cliff face next to Cantilever Rock.

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Period 2 Training Plan

I will be in Italy from May 12-23, hence no organized training in that time. Once I return, we will begin training 3x/week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Workouts in red indicate organized team sessions that I will lead.

NOTE: This plan includes some MTB races at Catamount as weekly hard workout. Also note in early June there are 2 running races: the Colchester Causeway 5km or 15km on 6/7  (details online via link from our google calendar) as well as a Tuesday night running race at Catamount on 6/10.

Period 2 plan. Daily and weekly hours are for an annual plan of ~320 hours. Adjust accordingly.

Period 2 plan. Daily and weekly hours are for an annual plan of ~320 hours. Adjust accordingly.

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