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Success, mistakes, and the cycle of growth

Notes from Adam’s end-of-season event speech

Our growth and improvement is actually predicated on a series of mistakes.

On the outside maybe it looks like our club’s membership growth, racing success, activity involvement, and program depth have been steadily rising.

This is true when you zoom out…and this shows in statistics, ranking lists, notes from former members, and comments from fellow coaches and clubs.

But think of the improvements everyone in this room has made as a skier…were there falls along the way? Maybe a forgotten pair of boots, or a missed wax job? These are the easy mistakes to relate to, but they were important steps nonetheless because they helped show the full range of what this sport brings.

As the achievements and abilities get higher, the mistakes don’t go away: they just appear in different ways and on a similar plane to the level you’re currently at.

Maybe you haven’t fallen on skis in a year, but in a big race you “fall”, in terms of pace or tempo, behind your closest rival on the racecourse. Maybe you have the right wax, but picked a pair of klister skis for a hardwax race. Most difficult of all, maybe you and your teammates all raced to your potential, but you made a comment at the finish line that was taken the wrong way and knocked someone down emotionally rather than physically.

What’s important is realizing that up close our sport cycle of challenges, mistakes, reflection, and new challenges. It’s a wavy line with lots of ups and down, but it trends upward when handled right. When you pan out, that’s when it can look like a steady path forward and upward.

As we’ve grown and changed as a club, we’ve treaded into new territory for achievement and also mistakes. In some ways we’ve never been stronger, more secure, or more successful…but even in our own region I can find examples of clubs and leaders who have been in similar situations and forgotten the value of not just the successes, but the mistakes as well.

Our challenges lies in balancing the same few things we always have, maybe even in the following order-of-importance:

  • Acknowledging the positives and maintaining them is our core
  • Improving mistakes is our steady growth
  • Seeking new challenges is what keeps everyone excited!

Thanks for a really fun year with MNC, and let’s keep moving forward with both the achievements AND the missteps as our guides.

Training Block/State Meet

It is a busy time of year for the juniors. As we head into the “championship season” we have a lot of different irons in multiple fires. On one hand, we want to be putting in some training time while we have a little while until events like Junior Nationals, Eastern HS Championships, and U16s. In the midst of this window is also the State Championships. So it is a balancing act, but on Wednesday everyone is aligned once again!

You can see a little recap video of the first day of States over at WCAX. You may see some familiar MNC names and skiers both racing and being interviewed! Tuesday is the classic edition down at Prospect…good luck everybody!

For those not racing in the high school league, we’ve gotten the training block underway with several longer days, including a really nice ski at Camel’s Hump Nordic! This is a really great under-the-radar ski area that has lots of trails, cool terrain (including some fun descents both groomed and backcountry) and grooming with a Pisten Bully…this great winter of snow allowed us to ski the whole place.

We’re in for a few days of warmer weather, but the skiing should remain great up there and it’s worth checking out.


A Keep-building Year

Fresh snow. Fierce wind. Cold air. We’ve hit on a pattern this winter, and while we are relishing some of the best snow in years (maybe a decade?) there can be too much of a good thing, it turns out. Heavy snow, dangerous roads, and extremely violent winds big roles in our final Eastern Cup weekend, but we were 100% “go mode” until the very last second!

Things actually got going with races on Friday. By virtue of his competitive sprint points, Anders was granted start rights in the EISA Middlebury Carnival classic sprint, where he qualified for the heats and battled right to the line! A really cool way to start things off.

UNH, Middlebury, Laval, UNH, MNC, Dartmouth

On Saturday it was time for the whole team to lay down an individual start classic race. We’re pretty darn strong at classic skiing, and the U16/EHS Qualifier a week prior had given us a nice bit of “home field advantage” as the course was just a slightly longer version of that 3km event.

Like any year, JNs looms large over the last Eastern Cup. I’ll reiterate what I believe I said after the first weekend…In 2024 we qualified an astonishing 10 skiers to the Junior National Team. Soon after, we graduated 7 of skiers into collegiate programs, while another two skiers moved (literally!) to other states. With that background, I’m happy to admit my own mistake in underestimating our group of athletes this year. I told one parent of another club that it felt like a rebuilding year was on the cards, but right away from the first Eastern Cup I was proven wrong. That same parent sent me a note after those races: “I thought you said it was a rebuilding year? It doesn’t look like it to me.”

Throughout the year I was proven wrong about this re-building phase again and again…so I will henceforth refer to ’24/’25 as the keep-building phase, where we proved our ability to continue learning from our previous hard work, teammates, and former accomplishments and put those skills and lessons to work right away. Even with a younger and less experienced team of racers, the MNC Juniors didn’t miss a beat.

In the men’s 10km Pat, Niko, Lorenzo and Jonah all skied great on trails that required the smoothest classic skiing finesse you could imagine. Starting one bib apart, Jonah and Lorenzo skied basically the whole race together, while a few bibs up ahead Niko continued a very impressive string of distance races to solidify his spot on the JN team.

Back to 100% health after a busy stint in Europe competing in biathlon, Seven absolutely tore it up and proved that she would’ve been more than in with a shout at going to Soldier Hollow with a few more races: but how can you turn down the chance to race in Poland and Germany, and often as the top American competitor in her field to boot? This sport is always a game of tradeoffs…whether it be kick and glide, or one race trip or another. Charlotte held strong in another big classic race that should set her up really well for the upcoming State meet!

Seven continuing our club’s trend of “biathletes who are really strong classic skiers”

For the U16 racers it was a single lap of the 5km course, and starting bib 1 was James. It is almost inevitable that nearly every club will have someone “on the bubble” for JNs on the last weekend. James was sitting in a tie for the final spot on the U16 boys roster, meaning it could very well come down to this weekend. With all that pressure, AND the intimidating situation of starting bib 1 on a one-lap course (meaning James would just have to essentially grind out a solo timetrial with no competition but his own breath and muscles) it could be easy to crumble. But James did the opposite and stormed up every hill, carrying speed into the descents and across every part of the course like you wouldn’t believe. It was obvious watching him that it was his best day yet, and indeed he landed on the podium for the first time!

Atop the podium was Jorgen, aka “Mr Rikert” as I call him, because he is from just down the road and is always espousing how wonderous these trails are. Jorgen used true home course advantage to ski to a dominant win, and having his best race of the season and first top-20 was Gabe who also can claim home course advantage as another member of our “Addison County MNC Contingent.” With his health back under him, Isaiah completed the grouping of our really strong U16 boys.

Gabe up at the last climb before the long descent to the stadium

While it was fun to sweep the U16 girls podium in Waterville at Eastern Cup #3, the thing about sweeping spots 1-2-3 is…you need three people to do it! Astrid was out sick, having stayed home from school during the week overcoming a fever. It was tough to miss this one for Astrid because she loves to classic ski at Rikert, and sickness aside her current form would’ve put her in a strong position yet again. Nothing indicates you are a real racer at heart like wavering back-and-forth about racing when deep down it’s not for the best, and as a coach I’m really proud of Astrid’s resolve.

Everybody will be sick at some point, and miss critical races: it’s just a fact! We can do our best to control it, but there will always be the risk.

If a 1-2-3 wasn’t going to happen, Mia and Acadia were not going to rest and made sure at the very least a 1-2 happened, with Mia storming to her first Eastern Cup win. After leading the classic race in Waterville before her crash, and then putting together an insanely impressive classic race against older (and internationally-experienced) competition at the EHS qualifier a week prior, you just had the sense that all the pieces were coming together for Mia. She particularly stormed through the long third cloverleaf section of the course with intent, and captured the win by 30 seconds. Acadia joined Mia right on the next step, making it a 1-2 finish!

At the end of the day, it was hard not to feel both excitement and relief. Skiers on the bubble for JNs, like James, had put together some of their best races. Others had continued upward trends toward their goals and shown just how far they’ve come in a really competitive field.

The following day, we awoke to lots of new snow. Driving up the gap, the winds continued to get stronger and stronger…until we reached the venue where fences were blown sideways, tree debris littered the trails, and the race had been called off. It was a bit of a subdued end to the Eastern Cup season, but safety took precedence.

It also meant the end of the Junior Ranking List…MNC is sending 8 athletes to Junior Nationals! I believe in a quick count that we are (for the second year in a row) matched with Green Mountain Valley School as the club sending the most athletes as a part of team New England. Ford Sayre and Craftsbury are not far behind, meaning the depth and competitiveness within our immediate area is really the strongest in our region, if not the whole country. Junior Nationals is a big goal for so many of our skiers, and there will always be amazing skiers who do not get to experience this trip. However, it’s important to realize that those on the JN team certainly wouldn’t have gotten there without having their friends and teammates challenge them, push them, and help everyone grow together. Pugs all the way!

Pug Podiums…featuring our “campaign sign” of the season: LOCK IN, DON’T WALK IN

If you’d like to support the MNC athletes headed to JNs as they embark on this (absurdly-expensive) journey, you can do so at the fundraising page below! Thanks!

Help MNC skiers compete at JNs!

Terrific Tomasi

Tomasi Meadow is skiing GREAT right now! We’ve had a long stretch of cold weather and the snow is sticking around. We never know how long that’ll last in New England, so there’s never been a better time to get out and ski.

If you haven’t been to Tomasi Meadow yet, give it a look! This is a beautiful stretch of conserved land in Underhill, right in the shadow of Mt Mansfield, that our club manages and grooms with the help of Peter Davis.

Skiing is FREE at Tomasi Meadow, and we hope many members of the broader ski community (not just MNC) can enjoy cross country skiing in this wonderful place. Our BKL and Afternoon Masters programs have been making great use of the trails, and on Monday some of our coaches joined a group from the Burlington Parks, Recreation and Waterfront (BPRW) who took a field trip out to ski on a sunny day.

You can always check Peter’s latest grooming report on the snow conditions page, which is also linked right at the bottom of the  MNC homepage.

Here’s some photos from Monday, where we experienced bright blue skies and fresh tracks:

Peter, the MNC grooming rig, and Mt Mansfield!

Signage and notes regarding trail use. Thanks for abiding!

MNC Masters skier Tobias enjoys a little skating

If you’ve enjoyed Tomasi Meadow this winter, let others know about it! Share some photos online, tell a friend or family member to check out the trails, or let folks know about the skiing on places like Front Porch Forum. If you’d like to donate to the trails (specifically snow machine fuel and wear-and-tear costs to keep things running) use our Donation Page and mark “Tomasi” in the comments. Thanks!

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