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Annual Meeting Thanks
A big thank you to everyone who made the 2017 MNC Annual Meeting a success! From organizers and volunteers to potluck contributors and speakers, thanks so much. We had a great event with a run at Jim and JoAnn’s, a delicious potluck meal, presentations from MNC leaders and skiers, and a silent auction.
If you won a silent auction item, expect to either be contacted shortly or to receive your prize in the mail. Checks can be made to
PO Box 234
Underhill VT 05490
MNC Annual Meeting
Directions to Hash Run:
70 Maple Leaf Rd: drive up Stevensville Rd in Underhill Center, take a left turn at Maple Leaf Farm onto Maple Leaf Road. Continue for ¾ mile up around the sharp curve to the 1st house on the right.
BKL Fall Hikes
Come join your BKL friends and Coach Rosemary for a hike! Family and friends welcome. If your child needs a ride, contact Coach Rosemary ( and she may be able to help. Hikes go in rain, shine or snow. Pack for the weather- appropriate clothing, water and lots of snacks! Most hikes begin at 10 am. Check event calendar for details and trailhead map links.
10/14: Stowe Pinnacle. Meet at Parking Lot at 10 AM. Rendezvous at Cold Hollow for cider & donuts for those homeward bound through Waterbury. Email Rosemary if you are going. Map & Info
10/20 (Friday): No School Hike! Hunger Mountain, Waterbury. Meet at Trail Head on at 10 AM. Email Rosemary ( if you are going. Map & Info
10/29 (DATE CHANGED): Mt. Mansfield via Butler Lodge Trail. Meet at trail head (Stevensville Rd) at 9:30. Email Rosemary ( if you are going. Map & Info
11/04: Sunrise Hike! Camel’s Hump via the Burrows Trail. Meet at Burrows Trail Head Parking lot. Waterbury folks might want to hike up from that side and meet us at the top by 7:25. Potluck Breakfast at the top! Email Rosemary ( if you are going. Map & Info
11/11: Camel’s Hump Loop: Forest City Trail to Long Trail to summit and back down the Burrow’s Trail. Maybe we’ll find some snow! Option for a shorter hike for those who want to do less. Meet at Burrows Trail Head, Huntington at 10:00 am. Email Rosemary ( if you are going. Map & Info
Fall Rollerski Classic: Results and photos
Thanks to everyone who came out to the event! Special thanks to NENSA, EABC, Tremblebach Timing, Rossignol, Skirack, and Niflheim Nordic for providing great prizes and support.
Results: 2017 MNC_EABC fall classic
Photos from Carl Priganc: Fall Classic Priganc
Photos from Liam John: Fall Classic John