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MNC Trail Run / International Guests

NOTE: Rick Lelito is missing a black Swiss army knife from the event. If you happen to have found it during clean-up please contact Adam via email: adamRterko@gmail 

Yesterday the club hosted a new event. Branching out from our popular Duathlon, one of the  biggest BKL and Zak Cup races in the area, we put together a trail run in order to bring racers together in the summer. Our first go with this event went smoothly, with an incredible course (thank you Keenan family), a delicious sampling of BBQ food (thanks Grillmasters Rick and Gary) and a competitive and excited group.

MNC Trail Run Results

Here are some photos from Gary Solow:

A group photo before the start

A group photo before the start

They're off!

They’re off!

Beautiful fields, wooded paths, and rolling hills

Beautiful fields, wooded paths, and rolling hills

Inaugural men's champ Brendan Copely

Inaugural men’s champ Brendan Copely

Women's champ Coach Sara

Women’s champ Coach Sara

Thanks to all the participants and supporters! I am looking forward to this event possibly coming back, and maybe growing more.

The trail run was only the final event of a busy week, however. I’d like to take a moment to welcome and introduce two international skiers who have joined the MNC Juniors, and who will be around for the rest of the summer: Marti and Mathilde! Marti is with us from Spain, where he is involved with both Nordic skiing and biathlon. Mathilde has joined us from her home of Oslo, Norway, right in the heart of the Scandinavian ski world.

Both Marti and Mathilde have brought some great new dynamics to the group. We are definitely humbled by their multilingual abilities (Marti speaks 4 languages!) but also by their dedication to training and new experiences. I’ve been trying to learn some new training words and phrases each practice, and finding out little tidbits of how clubs and groups overseas do things.

Mathilde working on some styrke!

Mathilde working on some ‘styrke’ by towing Sara along!

It was interesting to hear that Mathilde had never heard of grass skiing…maybe it’s at least one leg-up we have on Team Norway? Regardless of how widespread it is, we did a little of this last week and it gave me some more ideas to take the exercise up a notch. On Thursday we expanded our grass skiing drills with a custom course and even more skis.

What’s more, we now have a GoPro to use at practice, which means even more fun videos. Here is a quick edit of our grass skiing session. Special thanks to Adam Glueck, another guest athlete this summer, for helping film some of this!



Spring adventuring

Spring training has begun for the MNC Juniors, and while the “Winter of Purple Klister” didn’t provide much variety to our ski terrain in the cold months, we’ve taken advantage of the manmade alpine terrain at nearby mountains to extend the season a bit.

The training we do in the spring is on a 3-day/week basis, and right now we are transitioning into a pretty regular mix that will include running, strength training, mountain adventuring and, yes, rollerskiing (just once per week). Here are some photos of our training these past few weeks!

Here is Will skinning up Bolton. We had a unique group this day: Charlie and Tim on nordic skis, Adam on 3-pin metal-edged, fishscale tele skis, and Will on full-blown Tele gear with skins

Here is Will skinning up Bolton. We had a unique group this day: Charlie and Tim on nordic skis, Adam on 3-pin metal-edged, fishscale tele skis, and Will on full-blown Tele gear with skins

Clockwise from top: Will, Charlie, Adam, Tim

Clockwise from top: Will, Charlie, Adam, Tim

Tim stands below the wind turbine, for good scale

Tim stands below the wind turbine, for good scale

Charlie getting some air

Charlie getting some air

Coach practicing his turns

Coach practicing his turns

A day later and a few mountains south down route 100, Greg and I took a little journey to Pittsfield to ride the Green Mountain Trails (ranked #3 in VT on Singletracks!, which had just opened after a streak of dry, warm weather. For the first “real” mountain bike ride of the year it was pretty intense, with 1000ft of climbing right off the bat! We will definitely be back though, since these trails (and the atmosphere of quirky Pittsfield itself) is pretty memorable.

The rewards of the climb: a long downhill with sweeping mountainside ravines

The rewards of the climb: a long downhill with sweeping mountainside ravines

Other rewards of the downhill: some airtime

Other rewards of the downhill: some airtime

Proof we made it to the top: our bikes at the stone summit cabin

Proof we made it to the top: our bikes at the stone summit cabin

When we aren’t in the mountains, we are working on the basics like strength and endurance. A lot of our team has suggested we take a more “ninja-centric” approach to training. We got started with the introduction of a new training tool affectionately referred to as the “double pole-up”. Wooden dowels, hooks, and ski pole straps converts any pullup bar or monkey bar into a double pole-up workout! Ben demonstrates:

Try to tell me this doesn't look like some ninja training...

Try to tell me this doesn’t look like some ninja training…

Double pole-up in action

Double pole-up in action

Back home in the woods on the Essex/Westford border, another training tool is taking shape...the peg-board, which will be installed at the Range this summer!

Back home in the woods on the Essex/Westford border, another training tool is taking shape…the peg-board, which will be installed at the Range this summer!

Now we have caught up to last weekend, where Tim, Charlie and I braved ice, wind and fog for another ski adventure. This time the target was Smuggs, and it was the polar opposite of Bolton’s sun and corn…definitely a memorable experience though.

Marching up the side of the trail...more like mountaineering than norpining this day

Marching up the side of the trail…more like mountaineering than norpining this day

Tim got the skis on here and there, but mostly it was hiking, sliding, and avoiding catastrophic falls on icy black diamonds. Of course the sun came out at the bottom!

Tim got the skis on here and there, but mostly it was hiking, sliding, and avoiding catastrophic falls on icy black diamonds. Of course the sun came out at the bottom!




End-Of-Season party photos

Thanks to everyone who made it out to our End-Of-Season Party at Craftsbury on Sunday! There was still skiing to be had, believe it or not! We had snow, sun, and great food from the Outdoor Center staff. Here are some photos from Dave Priganc…find more at the MNC Flickr page!

Ok, maybe there wasn't snow EVERYWHERE...

Ok, maybe there wasn’t snow EVERYWHERE…

Never too old for some swinging

Never too old for some swinging

Coach Adam gives a little speech to recap the season

Coach Adam gives a little speech to recap the season

Evidence of who started the snowball fight on Mt Craftsbury...

Evidence of who started the snowball fight on Mt Craftsbury…

Happy club of skiers!

Happy club of skiers!

A photo staged by Coach Adam earlier in the day...big air in the tunnel!

A photo staged by Coach Adam earlier in the day…big air in the tunnel!

Looking back on 15/16

Given what nature doled out these past few months, it might be all too easy to remember this by the weather. While the “year of the purple klister” was certainly sad in terms of snowfall, there were some serious highlights for MNC. This club pushed past the brutal dry grass and pavement, and came away with big successes!

I’ve gone through some of the many stacks of results that have been filtering in throughout the season. While this club is far more than its results alone, I thought it would be cool to look back at some of our accomplishments. Be it a local, regional or national stage, MNC certainly showed it’s speed and depth this year!

-The ever-growing MNC Duathlon was a big success, and brought tons of skiers together for a day of racing for all ages. Podiums and wins were numerous!

-For the first-time ever, Mansfield Nordic was on the podium in the NENSA’s Zak Cup championship thanks to big participation and results in regional events. Heck, we even beat Dartmouth! Congrats as well to many MNC members who were on the podium in their respective age groups, and JoAnn Hanowski for capturing the individual crown.

-At the VT High School State Championships, MNC skiers achieved 17 top ten results, including 5 podiums

-MNC had 8 athletes on the EHSC/U16 Championship teams, and achieved 7 top ten results at these regional events

-MNC was represented by Greg Burt at Junior Nationals in Wisconsin. Greg picked up 2 top ten individuals and a 5th place finish in the relay

-On the Eastern Cup circuit, MNC athletes achieved 13 top tens, 6 podiums and 1 victory. What’s more, 4 U16 men from Mansfield Nordic ended the season in the top-15 of the rankings – a feat only matched by SMS

-33 top ten finishes, including 15 podiums, were recorded by MNC athletes at the NENSA BKL Festival

-Eliza, Marika and Tim picked up 8 podium finishes in the week-long North American Biathlon Nationals in Fort Kent. Tim swept the series with three gold medals in the Senior Boys division!

-Tim’s results in biathlon qualified him to race in the “Liatoppen Skiskytterfestival” in Norway this spring. That marks 2 years in a row MNC athletes have been racing in Europe!

A happy team of Vermonters celebrating the victory

Eastern High School Champions…Team Vermont!


JN relay action

Eliza winding her way through the course...looks like VT has more snow than AK right now!

Eliza racing at Jr World Biathlon trials in Alaska

Will, Baxter and Kai. This could just as easily be intervals OR an Eastern Cup race

Will, Baxter and Kai crushing the Eastern Cup

Don't mess with these three! Future of the sport right here

Don’t mess with these three! Future of the sport right here

It has definitely been a season I will remember…and NOT just because of the weather. The trips, the races, the venues, the training, the travel, the waxing, the cheering, the food, the games, and most of all the athletes, have made this an incredible 2016/2017 winter. Go Pugs!



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