We all had a big experience with klister today…and everyone made it through! Now, you have a ski drizzled in a sticky mess: here’s a helpful video from Boulder Nordic Sport that can help get that klister off your skis for your next classic ski. Below the klister video I have also included a video about cleaning standard kickwax off as well. Although they do not recommend using household cleaning solvents (they suggest a ski-specific wax remover) a little Goo-Gone or Pine Sol will do in a pinch!
It is definitely worth checking out all relevant videos in this series!
What a day for a ski race! Sun, blue skies, firm tracks and great competition…can’t ask for more. 146 competitors took to the trails at Craftsbury for this annual MNC event that has continued to grow! Check out the video edit below:
Photos from this event are still incoming. Be sure to visit the MNC Flikr album to see them all, and check back often for additions. Results are linked at the bottom of this post. Congrats to all the racers!
The morning was clear and bright, and captured on film by Tim Cobb’s drone hovering above the action!
The open racers took off first. The women’s race is just starting here, where Eliza battled a strong Dartmouth contingent
Numerous other MNC faces were spotted in the open event, such as Coach Rick (leading Jim Fredericks)…
Coach Rosemary…
and Coach Adam!
Will Solow makes a smooth move into the transition zone!
Ben Longenbach, fresh off a great race in the MMU Pursuit 2 days prior
Eliza skiing fast and rounding the corner. Thanks to Gary Solow for many of these photos!
I (Adam) was waxing skis and running back and forth to the start area during the BKL races but was able to get a thorough amount of cheering in for the latter races of the day. Many MNC racers topped their respective age groups and, most importantly, everyone had a great time skiing their hearts out!
Start line action with the 7th/8th grade girls
…and the 7th/8th grade boys!
Aidan bringing it home with flawless technique as usual!
These 3 ladies (Ali, Quincy, Camille) swept the 7/8 podium…
…and got to rep the flag at the awards!
Niko equally stoked with his podium performance! World Cup skier/CGRP Member Caitlin Patterson presented awards!
Parting shot, of course thanks to our sponsors Toko, Rossignol, USBA, and of course the crew at Craftsbury!
Due to inclement weather and driving conditions all MNC programs are cancelled today, 1/19. We will work to reschedule our wax clinic. Please spread the word and drive safe!
2) 1:30: Ski Practice at Trapps with Coach Rosemary. We will do our own mini-enduro on our way up to the cabin. E-mail Coach Rosemary by Friday night if you plan to go: sheacobb19@gmail.com
For Devo skiers: 3) Skate ski with Adam at 10 AM at Trapps. You can do the Cabin Race first and then join Adam after. E-mail Adam by Friday night if you plan to go: adamrterko@gmail.com
Adam will be available to provide kick wax support for Race to the Cabin on Saturday morning. Get ready to climb!