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Junior Training 6/23 – 7/6


Tuesday 6/24 (AM Session) = 8:30-10:30am at the Range. Skate skiing with practice working on descents including slowing, stopping, bailing, snowplowing and kamikaze. Followed by 20-30′ continuous ski-bounding.
Tuesday 6/24 (Alternate running option) = Late-morning in the Jericho-area. Running with descending mile splits L1/L2/L3.
Wednesday 6/25 (AM Bonus) = Morning bonus session for athletes that cannot attend the evening rollerski in Charlotte. Time/Location TBA. **This session is dependent on interest**
Wednesday 6/25 (PM Session) = 5:30-7:30pm at Charlotte Beach. Classic rollerskiing with Garrott Kuzzy. Focus on technique work, specific strength and speed.
Thursday 6/26 = 8:30-10:30am at the Range. Classic ski with practice working on descents as well as slowing, stopping, bailing, snowplowing and tucking, followed by strength, plyometrics and legspeeds.
Thursday 6/26 (Alternate Session) = Running with 15x 400m short intervals at ~L2 pace followed by 100m legspeeds. 11:30-1:00pm at Essex HS.
Friday 6/27 (Bonus Session) = 9:00-10:30am road bike from Mud Pond.
Saturday 6/28 = 10:00-12:30. Rollerski up Bolton access road then hike with moderate intensity.


Tuesday 7/1 (AM Session) = 8:30-10:30am at the Range. Skate skiing with cornering, slalom and agility followed by 25-30′ continuous ski-bounding.
Tuesday 7/1 (Alternate option) = 11:30-1:00pm at Essex HS. Running with alternating miles approx L2/L3. Total run ~7 miles alternating approx 8:30 / 7:45 mile splits.
Wednesday 7/2 (Bonus) = Bonus session dependent on athlete interest. Location/mode of training based on who will attend. AM or PM.
Thursday 7/3 = 8:30-10:30am at the Range. Classic skiing with cornering, agility, “bailing” and downhills followed by strength and legspeeds.
Thursday 7/3 (Alternate Session) = Central Vermont Nordic Coop: Rollerski up App Gap!! Talk with Tim about details!
Friday 7/4 = Colchester 3-mile running race out-n-back on Middle Road. Approx $5-10 entry. Informal, fun event. Wear your MNC summer training shirt!
Saturday 7/5 = Lake Hortonia adventure day with Murray and Jane Banks. Rollerskiing, swimming, sailing and fun!!


MNC coaches and volunteers helped organize the Flynn School Exchange Zone for the Vermont City Marathon and talked to young athletes at the Yam Scram about Nordic skiing and MNC.

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Ken Bruce lead a small group on a hike up “The Chin” of Mt Mansfield.  It was a beautiful sunny day with spectacular views from the Sunset Ridge Trail.  There is also an active Raven’s nest on the cliff face next to Cantilever Rock.

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Masters 2/17-2/23 – updated

Tuesday 2/18 Classic – Looks like a violet wax day but that could change.  We will start with our usual no poles skiing for about 15-20 minutes or 2 km.  Then in our groups for some technical work followed by a long easy ski and finish with some short sprint relays for fun. The 3:30 Masters will continue working on technique and fitness with Coach Pennie.

Thursday 2/20 Skate – Start with no poles 2 km or until 6:15 whichever comes first.  Meet up in our groups for technical tips. SPECIAL GUEST COACH – GARROTT KUZZY will be on hand for the 6 pm Masters Practice. DON”T MISS IT!!

WEEKEND – Masters Skier Nick Persamperi recommends….

This a great race this coming  weekend – classic Saturday, skate Sunday.  Although it’s in Canada its closer to Burlington than some of the other venues that we travel to.  The 16k loop course is very nice. I plan to do the 32k classic on Saturday. It looks like registration ends end of the day tomorrow.
masters at Catamount

Jim Bentlage, Ellie Buffard, Sue Bentlage, Jim Bove, Kort Longenbach, Jim Adkisson at Caamount

recon 2

Karen, Nick, Ellie, Eliza, Steve, Rick and Sue at the Derby Recon

MAsters at catamount2

Masters at Catamount in Williston

Jim Bove

Jim Bove at Catamount


Masters This Week

Tuesday 2/4 – Classic Skiing at the range

Thursday 2/6 – Skate Skiing at the range – Random Relay Day.  Anyone one that would like to participate – put your name on a slip of paper and drop in the box in the Walker Building.  2 or 3 person teams will be randomly drawn for a fun relay.

Masters at Craftsbury Marathon
Full Results posted at

Kort Longenbach about 40 m from the finish at Craftsbury

Kort Longenbach about 40 m from the finish at Craftsbury

Chelsea Reynolds in the 25 Km race at Craftsbury

Chelsea Reynolds in the 25 Km race at Craftsbury

Snow on the Notch Rd

Skied the Notch Rd from Smuggs side to Stowe tonight. Good skiing all the way. A little thin at the

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bottom but did not hit any pavement. Pic form Nick Persamperi earlier in the day.Notch-Rd-12-Nov-2013

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