Monday morning arrived with bright sun, blue skies, and a large white van travelling steadily up I89 toward the Richmond Park and Ride. At 10:30, Ken and I greeted the transport team as we were handed the keys to the MNC VAN!
That’s right…the next step in training options, team culture, and accessible transportation. It’s an exciting time for our club!

Day 1…you could tell Coach Adam was excited
It didn’t take long for the van to prove its usefulness. On Friday we went on a classic rollerski that was a favorite of the MNC Academy crew for morning sessions last fall: rollerski from the Round Church down to Dugway road, and then take Dugway road (yes, the dirt road!) up into Huntington. This dirt road is great for rollerskiing because it gradually climbs the whole way and involves no downhills, and it takes a generally dull and well-worn rollerski route (Cochran Rd) and extends it to a much cooler direction.
This ski requires a shuttle back down to Richmond, as there’s no safe way to make it happen otherwise. That meant that my Subaru would have to suffice…max group size of 4 or this workout wasn’t happening. This time, the whole gang got to experience the trip!
We also went to Bolton on Saturday, to take on the uphill run test for the 2nd time this year. A lot of PR efforts, and new course records from alums Liam and Emily. Congrats guys!
Interested in contributing to the van? Check out our page right here: New MNC Van
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