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Free Fall Rollerski Race: Seeking volunteers!

MNC members and community:

NENSA is hosting a big rollerski race at The Range on Sunday, September 19th. While NENSA is the “host” of this event, we are helping out and would love to have as many volunteers as possible taking part. The more MNC faces, apparel, racers, and volunteers on-site the better the PR and broader the scope of this great event.

This race is already set to include skiers from the US Ski Team, SMS T2, Sun Valley Gold Team, BSF Pro Team, and more as some of the nation’s top skiers will be in Vermont for a training camp the week of this race. This is an amazing opportunity to see some of the best in the country (including some upcoming 2022 Olympic skiers) live in action.

Oh, don’t forget that you can also register to race, and we hope that MNC athletes without other sport conflicts will do so!

Since this event is on a Sunday, it frees up many of our Junior running athletes who may have the day off after an XC meet. This is the perfect thing to do on an off day from training or racing cross country.

You can find a volunteer form/spreadsheet linked below, where you can input your name and information. This race will not have spectators, so volunteering is your ticket to see the action. We hope you can make it!

Free Fall RS Race Volunteer

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