Note: the MNC Annual Fund is ON! Please take a look at the campaign (click HERE) and consider making a contribution to support our programs and events. Thanks 🙂
Tackling uphills is something we’re always working on. Until they have every ski race on a flat track, we’ll always be looking to climb faster and glide uphill more than the competition.
On Saturday the group pushed through the rain and mist to double pole from the Hinesburg General Store all the way to the top of App Gap. A popular route for bikers, we pretty much had the roads to ourselves aside from a few cars here and there: not many bikers out in the rain, and not many folks looking to drive up App Gap for views of nothing but clouds.
Gary Solow drove along and snapped some cool photos, in addition to my own:

This is why you keep the fenders on the rollerskis, people! (G. Solow photo)

Heading up the steeps! (G. Solow photo)

Aidan, drivin’ through the rain (A. Terko photo)

Tired arms, strong skiers (G. Solow photo)
Since I was driving along in the support vehicle, I was able to get some video footage thanks to our secret trick of taping the GoPro to the sideview mirror. You may have seen videos from MNC with this angle before: the wifi remote start/stop feature and the wide-angle lens means I can capture moving film without having to balance holding a camera and paying attention to the road. You’d be surprised how smooth of a technique this is in action. Oh, and did I mention how smooth and powerful the technique of the team looked? Great progress already this year!
The sun finally came out this morning for a bonus little hike up Camel’s Hump. Everyone is getting pretty excited for a summer vacation with even more busy training!

Summit Bobo break
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