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Junior Training 5/26 – 6/1

Training resumes on Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays for the next several weeks while school is in session. As always, stay tuned to the blog, our google calendar ( and facebook for updates, photos and other fun information!

TUES = Trail run, with hill repeats, strength  and speeds @ MMUHS. 4:00-5:30pm.

THURS = Follow-up to our strength screening session @ UVM with Dr. Sharon Henry and her Physcial Therapy graduate students. 4:30-6:30pm @ Rowell room 003A).

SAT = road bike @ Dorset Park (South Burlington). We’ll ride the “Tuesday Night World” loop which is ~33 miles. Rollout at 10:00am, return around 12:15pm.

On the horizon:

Saturday 6/7 = Colchester Causeway 5km and 15km running race @ Airport Park.

Tuesday 6/10 = Tuesday night trail run at Catamount with option for 10km.

Saturday 6/14 = Summer kickoff road bike (App Gap) followed by BBQ at the Henry/Solow residence.

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