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Junior Training 6/16 – 6/29 [updated Wed 6/18]


Tuesday 6/17 (AM Session) = Intro and intermediate rollerski + bounding workout at the Range, 8:30-10:30am. Focus is on dryland technique fundamentals and balance on classic skis. Workout will also include strength and bounding intervals. Optional post-workout creemees at Jericho County Store afterwards!!
Tuesday 6/17 (PM Session) = Road bike “Tuesday Night Worlds”. This workout is for the older boys that have been attending our rides this spring — it will be a very difficult ride in a big group setting. Tentative plan is to start arrive at Dorset Park by 5:30 and begin riding at 5:45pm. This gives us a 15 minutes head-start on the group ride. We’ll join the ride whenever they catch us and try to hang with them as long as possible. Total loop ~33 miles.
Wednesday 6/18 (Bonus AM Session) =
Running workout @ Catamount Family Center, 9:00-10:30am.
Thursday 6/19 (AM Session)
= Intro, intermediate and advanced rollerski at the Range, 8:30-10:30am. Intro/Intermediate focus is on dryland skate technique, balance, games in the grass on rollerskis, skate technique/drills, followed by a strength workout [bring running shoes]. Advanced skiers will do a skate roll with sprints followed by running legspeeds and strength.
Thursday 6/19 (Unsupervised session) = 12x400m running on a track at approx L2 pace, followed by 10x100m legspeeds. Boys pacing ~1:40-1:45 per lap, gals pacing ~1:55-2:00 per lap.
Saturday 6/21 = Camel’s Hump hike via the Monroe Trail. Advanced athletes will do 30-60′ moderate intensity during the ascent. Hike begins at 10:00am and will conclude approximately 12:30pm.


Tuesday 6/24 (AM Session) = 8:30-10:30am at the Range. Skate skiing with practice working on descents including slowing, stopping, bailing, snowplowing and kamikaze. Followed by 20-30′ continuous ski-bounding.
Tuesday 6/24 (Alternate running option) = Time/location TBA. Running with descending mile splits L1/L2/L3.
Wednesday 6/25 (AM Bonus) = Morning bonus session for athletes that cannot attend the evening rollerski in Charlotte. Time/Location TBA.
Wednesday 6/25 (PM Session) = 5:30-7:30pm at Charlotte Beach. Classic rollerskiing with Garrott Kuzzy. Focus on technique work, specific strength and speed.
Thursday 6/26 = 8:30-10:30am at the Range. Classic ski with practice working on descents as well as slowing, stopping, bailing, snowplowing and tucking, followed by strength, plyometrics and legspeeds.
Thursday 6/26 (Alternate Session) = Running with 15x 400m short intervals at ~L2 pace followed by 100m legspeeds. Time/location TBA.
Friday 6/27 = 9:00-10:30am road bike from Mud Pond.
Saturday 6/28 = 10:00-12:30. Rollerski up Bolton access road then hike with moderate intensity.

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