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Junior Training 7/7 – 7/20


I encourage the athletes to consider a “double-session” on Tuesday of this week: train at the Range in the morning then run at Catamount in the evening. Once in a while it is a great physical and mental challenge to do 2 tough workouts in the same day, just like the US Ski Team and World Cuppers do!!

Tuesday 7/8 (AM Session): Classic skiing plus double-pole, as well as strength and continuous bounding (25/30′) at the Range. 8:30-10:30am.
Tuesday 7/8 (Evening double session?!): Catamount Tuesday night running race: 5km and 10km options this week.
Wednesday 7/9 (Bonus): Classic skiing with drills and double-poling. 9:00-10:45am at Williston Central School (across from the Police Dept). Parking is way around to the right/back of the school near the fields and bike path. We will rollerski into the nearby residential development which has nice gradual hills and low traffic for work on continuous double-pole.
Thursday 7/10 (AM Session): Skate skiiing with no-pole plus strength, plyos and legspeeds at the Range. 8:30-10:30am.
Thursday 7/10 (PM Bonus): Skate rollerski with Garrott Kuzzy at Charlotte Beach. 5:30-7:30pm.
Friday 7/11 (Bonus):  “Downtown distance run” starting at Burlington High School. ~9 mile loop will incorporate the bike path and trails in the North End of Burlington. We will swim afterwards at North Beach. 9:00 – 10:45am.
Saturday 7/12: Bolton vertical day!! Classic rollerski up the access road, then hike to the summit of the mountain (1-2 times??!!?). After the workout we can jump in the Bolton Kettles. 10:00am – 12:45pm.
Sunday 7/13: Stowe 8-miler. This is not an official training, just a heads-up that this race is happening — very competitive field and fun event in Stowe.


Monday 7/14 (Bonus Coop Event): Adirondack hike open to all! Full-day; bring lunch and money. Details forthcoming.
Tuesday 7/15: Skate rollerski at the Range with pack skiing, speeds, relays and bounding, 8:30-10:30am.
Wednesday 7/16: Bonus training TBA dependent on interest.
Thursday 7/17:
Classic rollerski at the Range with continuous skiing, strength plyos and legspeeds. 8:30-10:30am.
Thursday 7/17 (PM Bonus):
GMBC bike time-trial in Jonesville. Free. First rider starts at 6:30pm. 16-mile TT. Details:
Friday 7/18:
Bonus training TBA dependent on interest.
Saturday 7/19:
Rollerski @ location TBA.
Sunday 7/20 (Bonus bike ride): Lincoln Gap and App Gap loop starting/ending in Waitsfield. 40-miles total with 2 monster climbs. Stop in Bristol for creemees.

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