About Junior Summer Training
Summer training takes place June 24th through August 31st.
All MNC skiers and anyone planning to ski with the club must hold a Mansfield Nordic Club Membership. For MNC Membership information and to register CLICK HERE
IMPORTANT FOR 2025: Construction at CEATS (“The Range”)
There is ongoing summer construction to pave, widen, and expand the trail system at the Camp Ethan Allen Training Site (CEATS) also known as “The Range.” While it is a bummer to not have rollerski track access for this summer, we are fortunate to have other options in the vicinity. For summer 2025, we will take at least 5 scheduled trips to Craftsbury to utilize their rollerski loop for workouts. These Craftsbury day trips will take place on Wednesdays:
June 25th, July 9th, July 16th, July 30th, August 6th
We will depart the Richmond Park and Ride at 9AM, and plan to get in a workout at Craftsbury PLUS a team picnic lunch and a swim if the weather is nice. During bigger weeks, we could expand these days into a double session incorporating the gym or running trails on-site in Craftsbury.
Athletes may caravan/carpool in their own vehicles, OR purchase a pass for van access: we will rent a minivan on these specific Wednesdays. The rollerski van pass is $100 and includes all rental fees and fuel for these 5 sessions. There is space for up to 6 athletes to sign up for this option.
2-Day/week Program
The Tuesday/Thursday morning sessions in the 2-Day Team training are good for newer rollerskiers or experienced athletes looking to take part in the bread-and-butter of MNC Summer programming. Prior rollerski experience (even just a little driveway or neighborhood practice) is preferred. Additionally, a good base of aerobic fitness is recommended, as athletes in all summer programs will be engaging in strenuous exercise for at least 30+ minutes at a time, and routinely up to 60-90 minutes at a time.
Athletes in the 2-Day program will work on balance, agility and safe handling on rollerskis, building up to longer continuous ski sessions that make a big difference in the winter. Our coaches help guide skiers through modern technique and training methodologies, with many of our leaders holding US Ski and Snowboard Level 100 certification or above.
Sessions will not be 100% rollerski focused, however, as time will be spent working on general mobility, core strength, running and body mechanics, and teambuilding.
Comp Team (5+Day/week Program)
The 5-day/week+ Comp program will be focused on high-level training for experienced rollerskiers and athletes with strong training backgrounds. Athletes choosing this program have the ability to handle steep descents, tough climbs, and long continuous sessions on rollerkis or on foot. Rollerski workouts lasting 2 hours, or runs lasting 10-12 miles, are often weekly sessions.
Workouts will take place on Tues/Thurs across Chittenden County, with 6x dedicated Wednesday sessions taking place at the Craftsbury rollerski track (see below). This Camp Team group will build a strong fitness base through intervals, long-distance workouts, strength sessions and cross-training opportunities.
MNC Summer Training Program costs do not include:
- Training camps and team trips (i.e. Mountain Camp)
- Race entry fees and licenses (USSA, NENSA)
Notes on commitment and continuity
Ski-specific training during the summer and fall months is the best way to improve in the winter. But as with any athletic endeavor, consistency and commitment will always yield the best results. When it comes to rollerski comfort and skill development, skiers who start early in the summer (when the primary focus is on the basics) and continue to attend weekly sessions regularly will find themselves progressing well and covering a lot of ground, both literally and figuratively. One of our favorite goals in the summer is working toward a final interval session where ALL skiers in the program can participate in the same workout on the same trails/roads before heading back to school!
Summer fees and registration
To complete signup, please visit the MNC Registration page.
Summer programs begin on June 24th and end on August 31st, 2025.
$799 Summer 5+-Day Comp Team
$399 Summer 2-Day Tues/Thurs Team
$100 Craftsbury rollerski loop van pass
Both program fees include hi-viz summer tech training shirt. Fees for both programs increase by $25 on July 1
Sample week
Tuesday 8AM-10:30AM Trail and dirt road run at Catamount Outdoor Center
Tuesday 4AM-5PM Strength training at the Mansfield Nordic Community Center
Wednesday 9AM-1PM Travel to Craftsbury for intervals on the rollerski track, followed by team picnic lunch and swimming
Thursday 8AM-10:30AM Classic rollerskiing with double poling distance training on Cochran Rd
Thursday 4PM-6PM Distance dirt road run in Huntington
Friday 8AM-10AM Skate rollerski at the bike paths and neighborhoods in Williston
Saturday 9AM-12PM Skiwalking and hillbounding in Stowe, with a swim afterward
Sunday 9AM-12PM Bonus day: Overdistance trail run on the Long Trail near Bolton
Additional program notes
Passionate and knowledgeable coaches
Our professional coaching staff have many years of experience as endurance athletes and coaches. Head Coach Adam Terko has the highest level ski coaching certification available from the US Ski and Snowboard association, and has coached at the High School, Junior National and Collegiate level! MNC coaches are some of the most knowledgeable in the area, often having raced at the highest levels of the collegiate ranks and/or having achieved the USSA Level 100 coaching certification or higher.
Training frequency and communication:
MNC often offers at least 7 training sessions per week. This does not necessarily mean attendance is mandatory when MNC has two sessions scheduled in a day, but it does require athlete commitment to a professional-level of preparation.
In this vein, all athletes participating in the Comp Team/5-day Program will be asked to maintain a training log. These logs help coaches immensely by providing insight into athlete feedback and actual vs. planned training calculations.
Training logs and plans will be provided via email to athletes at the beginning of each new training season. The training season traditionally starts the first week of May, but athletes are encouraged to log training year-round.
What makes MNC different?
Mansfield Nordic Club offers one of the most comprehensive summer training programs available in the country. By structuring over 6 coached sessions in a week, MNC athletes train and prepare at a professional level in every respect. Skiers that participate in the Comp Team/5-day program train at the level of top ski academies for a fraction of the cost, while still living in their hometowns embracing and engaging in the culture of the area.
Skiers that participate in the 2-Day program benefit from ski-specific instruction and training that is a critical stepping-stone to higher-level racing in the winter months and preparation for championship events beyond local high school competition.