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Lost Nation Roll Day

I’m titling this post “Lost Nation Roll Day” and not just “Lost Nation Roll” because I think the whole string of events that took place really says more than just the race itself. On the surface this was a 5/10km skate rollerski race at the Craftsbury rollerski loop. However, if you didn’t already realize it, I get very excited for “events” and opportunities for a chunk of our club to all be together.

So was it “extra” to bring the radio vests? Definitely.

Did I need to have the tent, the food table, folding chairs, spare skis and poles, a football, and more? Not really.

But the goal wasn’t just to be showing up and racing…the goal was to create an experience. The MNC tent was set up in the middle of the field and it became the hub for not just our crew, but a lot of others just stopping by or looking to check-in. Skiers hung out, tossed the football around, sharpened their pole tips, and consumed a lot of juice boxes and Sour Patch watermelons.

Rye preparing for a long toss

The race was still the focal point of the day, and everyone got after it with good attitudes and solid efforts. I was particularly impressed with the technique on display, as we showed that our club is right there in terms of our goals for how we want our skiing to LOOK. With the summer not even over, we still have lots of time to work on how we want our skiing and effort levels to FEEL, as uphill skating and aggressive, fast tempo is a goal.

There’s a bluegrass band called The Devil Makes Three and they have a live album called “A Little Bit Faster and a Little Bit Worse” which is

a great description of what most concerts: a band playing their songs faster and with more energy, but not necessarily as polished as the studio recorded version.

Right now I think our MNC Juniors have a great studio album, but when we go “on tour” this winter we can work on ramping up our live show. I’m perfectly ok with us skiing a little bit worse (technically) but a little bit faster (literally)!

Astrid and Ollie finished their 5k and then stayed all the way through the whole 10k to cheer!

A shoutout to Astrid for taking the win in the 5k women’s race, and 3rd overall! Astrid had spent the past few days prior to the race up at Craftsbury for the NENSA RDG (Regional Development Group) camp, and got to pick up a lot of new pointers from different coaches and fellow skiers. She was attacking that course the whole time! Some of our skiers have done this race many times before, and others were experiencing their first rollerski race or even their first 10km effort. With pro skiers, college skiers, and Juniors all racing together it was a great display of New England ski culture.

After the races there was much swimming. In fact, most of the podiums were initially empty because everyone was down at the lake! The upper field reverted back to a big quiet patch of grass, and cars filtered out of the parking lot.

For many, the day was over and it was time to relax for the rest of the hot and hazy Sunday afternoon…

…but not for all! If you’re a longtime MNC fan you know that motivation is often one of our strongest traits. We still had lots to accomplish in the afternoon, as multiple skiers got in some strength training at the MNCC in Richmond/Jonesville. Not only that, U18 skier Seven Bowen was unable to make it to the race in the morning, but we organized to meet in the Williston neighborhoods in the afternoon so she could do a solo timetrial. Dedication, anyone?

So, with a tasty lunch from *that* gas station in Morrisville (you know the one, and you know you’ve stopped there before or after many a Craftsbury ski day!) it was off to the MNCC for strength session #1, then off to Williston to ride alongside and have Seven complete her timetrial with coach filming and yelling alongside from the bike, then right back to the MNCC for strength session with group #2! And I wouldn’t have it any other way…how can you not feel the excitement of a classic summer day of hanging out, racing, training, and more?

Seven competes in the one-racer-Southridge-TT


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