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Mad River BKL Race Recap

Off they go! The Lollipopers kick off the racing at the Mad River BKL Race on a gorgeous winter afternoon!

It was another bluebird day for the Mad River BKL Race at Ole’s Touring Center in Warren, VT. Race organizers Justin Beckwith and Brie Pike-Springer planned well, scheduling all the races for the afternoon when things had warmed up after a very cold night.

It’s been a long time since Ole’s has held a race and an even longer time since I have skied there. It turned out to be a great venue with great snow and grooming.  A 1.5 km loop was groomed out in the fields across from the airstrip and we had that whole side of the road to ourselves. The Races started with a challenging Lollipop race where MNC’s Daisy Tremble and others had to ski up a hill, down and around a corner and back to the finish line where they collected their lollipops. Brother Oliver Tremble skied the 1/2 classic race, easily leading the way for a first place finish. Oliver also skied the 3/4 skate race along with MNC’s Mazzy Merritt who came straight from Bolton’s alpine hill, putting in a Ski Meister day.

We had a great squad of 5/6 racers who dominated the field. Liam Vile, Fiona Repp, Oakley Crawford, and Ansel Sprague all skied incredibly well and finished at the top with Liam leading the pack. Fiona had a sprint to the finish and kept two speedy contesters at bay with her incredible tempo and push.

Mary Moyer skied the 7/8 race and did a tremendous job in a very competitive field. She and the other racers had to ski 3 times around the loop which went up a big hill, moseyed around the top and then descended steeply to the finish. She skied very hard and finished fourth for the girls! Congratulations to all these MNC racers!


Lollipopper Daisy Tremble looking very steady on her skis!


Oliver with a fast start in the 1/2 race! Look at that forward lean!


Mazzy Merritt  (on the right) in a speedy finish! It was a skimeister day for Mazzy who left the alpine hill just in time to race here.


Liam passing the lap zone with his solid V-2 technique.


You can tell Fiona is pushing hard through the lap!


Ansel with focus and grit doing such a great job through the lap zone!


You can tell Oakley is gathering a lot of power for his next V-2 push here!


Mary Moyer had a good start and leaves many behind in the 7/8 race. I think that’s a smile on her face!

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