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Making a Difference

Amie Smith at NENSA recently posted the following piece on the organization’s homepage:

Taking a Stand Toward Making a Difference

It is great to see such positive action and awareness being taken by groups like NENSA within our sport. MNC shares the sentiments expressed in this NENSA piece, and we encourage our members to take a look at what they can do to help be a force for equality and compassion both within and beyond our sport. Our board of directors will be discussing further actions and steps we can take as club.

MNC would not exist without the support and engagement of a just and caring community. Going forward, we will strive to be even more aware of our own place within that community and how we can educate ourselves further as individuals and as an organization.

Thank you for taking the time to read, learn, reach out, and contribute in your own way. MNC will be doing the same-


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