The Vermont City Marathon is a huge event that is definitely a sign of summer’s arrival. It’s also a who’s-who of local athletes and active folk, who turn out in droves to race, cheer, volunteer, or just mingle.
Naturally, there were quite a few MNC members and friends of the club at this year’s event. We’re no doubt going to miss a few names, but here is just a sampling of the faces in the crowd affiliated with Mansfield Nordic! If you were at the event and would like to be added to the blog please let me know, and if you have any photos of the event we can add to this post please let me know: adamRterko@gmail. Thanks!
- MNC Masters Ken Bruce and Ellie Bouffard did the half marathon, as did junior skier Eliza Thomas!
Eliza (L) cranked out an impressive 1:38 half marathon!
- The team of Eli Grossman, Tim Cobb, Sammie Nolan, Will Solow, and Ben Carnahan (racing as Mansfield Nordic Club) took home first place in the Mixed Junior Relay, while Camille Bolduc and Ava Thurston helped their team finish 2nd in the Junior Girls Relay.
Will Solow charging up Battery Street in a definite “skier” outfit: no shirt, heart rate monitor, and trail shoes 😉
- Junior coach Sara teamed up with her Skirack coworkers to compete in the relay as well, and BKL coach/MNC parent Tom Thurston ran the whole thing and was 4th in his age group!
- Julia Thurston, Kate Carlson, and Taylor Carlson teamed up with some adults to run a great relay…pretty cool to see young athletes getting in on the big event!

Julia, Kate, and Taylor! Thanks for the photo Jenn
Congrats to everyone who ran, and we hope you are enjoying at least a day or two of recovery, stretching, and icing sore muscles 🙂

Team Mansfield Nordic Club (minus Will, who must’ve been running when this was taken!). Thanks for the photos Molly!
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