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Masters Waxing Party!

Please join the MNC Masters for an end of the season summer wax prep party on Saturday April 29, 2017.  Hosted by Jen and Bill Supple at  103 Westall Drive, Richmond.  Please RSVP at to help get a sense of who will be attending. Thanks!

There will be irons, benches, and electricity available but please feel free to bring your own bench and iron, scrapers, brushes and other tools you like to use, if you have them and can share. Please supply your own summer wax (yellow non-fluoro) or other of your choosing.

We will also be brainstorming summer activities and events for masters continued training and exercise. The coaches want to know what we are interested in pursuing! Let’s take advantage of their enthusiasm to keep us in shape over the summer!

There will be snacks and drinks for the afternoon session followed by light dinner at Stone Corral when everyone is ready at, or before, 6 pm!

Hope you can make it!  We will assume great spring, sunny, driveway-gathering weather, but will take it into the garage if need be…

Image result for waxing skis 1950s

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