Two big NENSA camps have finished up, the REG (Regional Elite Group) and RDG (Regional Development Group). Congrats to the 8 MNC athletes that qualified for REG and the 3 that qualified for RDG!
Regional Elite Group
Rosalie Brown
Geo DeBrosse
Elsa Sanborn
Gillian Fairfax
Rye MacCurtain
Julia Thurston
Niko Cuneo
Virginia Cobb
Regional Development Group
Kate Carlson
Jonah Gorman
Lorenzo Atocha
These camps are great learning opportunities that feature New England athletes from different clubs all coming together to train with different coaches and leaders also from around our area. US Ski Team athletes and pro athletes like those from the T2 team were present at both camps to talk with the athletes and share their knowledge and passion.
Lots of rollerskiing, running, and strength workouts mean our athletes from these camps always return home with new ideas and experiences to share and grow our own club!


Regional Development Group
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