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MNC COVID-19 Policy (8/14/21)

Due to the recent surge of COVID cases in Vermont, the MNC Board of Directors is instituting the following policies for our Junior training programs. We ask that all athletes comply with these policies in order to best protect the health and safety of our coaches, fellow athletes, and their families.

1) Only vaccinated athletes will be allowed to participate in indoor MNC activities (e.g. van rides, indoor training, etc). As a precaution, we will also ask that vaccinated athletes be masked while indoors.

2) All athletes can participate in outdoor training regardless of vaccination status, but athletes must continue to follow safe social distancing protocols (e.g. 6 ft spacing) and avoid clustering for extended periods of time.

3) We are requesting all athletes to inform coaches of their vaccine status.  Information will be sent to currently-registered athletes, and a space to input vaccination status will be included on Fall registration forms. 

4) The MNC Board will be evaluating this Fall whether to allow only vaccinated athletes to train if the rate of community spread remains high and our outdoor social distancing policies are not being adequately followed. 

If there are any questions or concerns in regard to this policy, we ask that you direct them to the MNC Board at and not our coaching staff.

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