Two weeks ago was an “intensity week” which included the hardest bounding workout of the year (pics below). This past week included easier training and some fun training to allow the athletes to recovery from the physical load. We did some games and relays which serve as a bit of a mental break, as well. At this time of year, rollerskiing isn’t always fun since some of them have been doing it since May or early June. We also worked a lot on no-pole skate skiing which helps with balance and improves leg strength.

Bill leads the group working on a fast-feet skate drill

Tatum and Molly working on skate body position – and trying to push harder than one another

Last Tuesday was the hardest bounding workout of the year. Everyone did between 6-10 repeats of 3-4 minutes really hard!

Greg checking his heart-rate at the end of an interval

Abby Grab working on a striding drill. Really nice ankle flex, forward body lean. Great!

Charlie Maitland out in the lead – no pole skate relays.

Friday evening clouds at MMU yesterday

Look closeley: Henry is in the air! This is a core exercise in which the athletes “hop” while holding a plank position

Bear crawl race on Thursday at Mud Pond.

Nathanael Kuzio and Peter Unger won the contest for synchronized 360’s during warmup!!

The gals trying to synchronize their 360’s

Tuesday warmup included some agility and coordination: jumping and doing a 360* turn

The whole group heading home on Tuesday out near Round Church.
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