The leaves remain pretty green at the moment, but if you’ve been outside on the roads and trails lately you can definitely feel fall starting to settle in. Each cold rollerski makes it harder for your pole tips to stick to the pavement, and every chilly interval session leaves your lungs with a distinct metallic taste.
It’s time for some harder workouts and tests that challenge fitness, strength, and speed. The Junior team had a miniature “fall break” from training this past week, with only 2 days of structured sessions. That was intentionally done to coincide with the general onset of zombie-fication that comes with the first week of school. But now things are gearing up again, and we’ll be on a pretty solid routine of busy workouts with a race about every second week. There are a lot of great events out there:
Burlington Invite Citizen’s Race
The NENSA Fall Rollerski Classic is an event we are putting on with EABC up at the Range. You should DEFINITELY mark your calendars and plan to either race, volunteer, or cheer! We’re looking to make this the biggest rollerski event in the East, and hoping it can continue to grow from there.

Fall Rollerski Classic poster by Coach Liam
Between now and October 7th, we’ll be putting in plenty of work to make sure we can race fast and push hard during that event, and the others we have booked up this fall as well! We’re fortunate to continue our partnership with the St Mikes Nordic team: members of their team will be joining us on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays this fall to work together, and we’ve already gotten started with some skate rollerskiing on Thursday and great bounding intervals at Cochrans.

Getting the Knight and Pug squads together at Cochrans

Lots of new and awesome trails around Cochrans
If you haven’t signed up for our Fall programming, now is the time to head over to that page and check it off the list. Once there, you’ll also find registration open for our Climb to the Castle trip to Lake Placid, and Thanksgiving Camp 2017! This year’s Thanksgiving Camp will remain at Craftsbury, and although the duration and amenities remain the same we’ve been able to substantially lower the cost to $399 for the entire camp (over $100 less than past years!). Now is a great time to plan your Thanksgiving skiing…after two minimal-snow camps in a row, we are due for a big blizzard this time!
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