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Small Victories

A member suggested a few weeks ago that this was a season of small victories for many, in a year when big victories were sometimes hard to quantify. They had an idea that folks might like to submit and share these small victories, so we created a form and had some responses that we will share below! Thanks for contributing.


I felt like such a bad@$# using my car as the lodge on those cold nights at Sleepy.



This was the year I fell in love with skiing! With so many other things being cancelled, I spent a lot more time with the club and on snow. My technique got better and I’m a much more confident skier. Definitely the highlight of my winter!



It was such a pleasure to ski at Sleepy Hollow multiple times per week with such great snow conditions. While this is not a personal victory, it is a victory of our small, but mighty ski community and the love and attention they give to skiing, grooming, trail maintenance and trail building. Thanks Sleepy Hollow and MNC for connecting with Sleepy for Master’s this year.



This is more of a big victory. That the MNC masters training program was able to happen safely with all the coaches providing helpful instruction and encouragement and everyone involved creating a sense of community which is so needed during this time of the pandemic.

-Pascal Cheng


Coach Adam was always enthusiastic and motivated. He kept the team a team, even through this seemingly impossible season. In my opinion, that’s a BIG victory!



This one is small in that it has nothing to do with results, but for me it is huge: I met so so many amazing people through MNC this past year, and it honestly might NOT have happened without the pandemic! Like everyone, I was kind of scrambling last spring, but eventually I settled in Burlington and hopped in with the strong junior/ college group that was forming. In a season that was shaping up to be a solo grind, I got to do some great workouts, explore new roads and trails, and have some great conversations along the way. So when the UVM club’s season was cancelled, I knew I had an alternative: not only did that free me up to help coach the Masters, but I also got to rock the MNC speed suit, get amazing wax support for the races that happened, and feel like I actually knew some people there. I have been saying that it was a “”building year” for fitness, but it was a banner year socially, and at the end of the day that’s more important . . . Go Pugs!

-Sam Holt


I have long blamed my work travel schedule for my lack of fitness. With my butt in an airplane seat for over 180,000 miles in 2019, why not? And yet I found myself in even worse shape come December of 2020. I joined up with the masters with a vague hope of skiing 25km continuously, covering 10km in an hour, and seeing if I could improve on my technique. With the season behind me, I’m pleased to say I’ve covered nearly 250 miles skating, classic and backcountry, had several 20 – 30 km days, covered my 10km race in well under and hour, picked up many great pointers on my long-neglected technique, all the while spending time with a great group and shedding 15 pounds. I’m very much looking forward to working on my base over the summer and hope to keep a sane travel schedule in the future and get back again next season for some more MNC Masters and EABC Masters. Thanks to all the coaches and my blue group buddies for all the help and encouragement!

-Matt Thomson


Finishing 100k



Proudly adding my time to the list of MNC Bolton hill climb historic time trial results. My first year with MNC, I was in awe of the juniors for even attempting such a crazy feat. The next summer, I thought “maybe, someday.” And last summer – I did it!!!

Celebrated turning 50 by roller-skiing up the App Gap for the first time. A particularly sweet victory, because this is something I wasn’t able to do at age 49 – or any time before that.

I successfully completed my first 15k skate race, which was a big step up for me this season. Managed to get the pacing just right – my skate technique held up until the finish (first time ever) and I crossed the line with nothing left in the tank. Perfect!

-Katie Hill


Focused on glute & core exercises during the lock-down. When I got back on snow, I finally had the strength I needed to balance on one leg and glide. What a difference that makes!



Discovered that sometimes klister can be a beautiful thing.


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