The start of summer training is here! I wanted to take a moment to share some important information regarding the when/where/why/hows of the program to make sure we start off smoothly. I’ll break things into a few categories below.
The Range
This one is critical and so it stays right up at the top. There are several things to know about rollerskiing at the Range, which is where we primarily meet every Tuesday/Thursday morning from 8-10AM (often we go a bit later…).
- Don’t forget your ID! You will need a photo ID for every person in a given vehicle to enter the base. This is shown at the check-in gate you pull up to right as you enter
- You will need to say that you are on the EABC (Ethan Allen Biathlon Club) list when you enter. NOT the MNC list. EABC has already scheduled days at the Range for the same Tues/Thurs dates we’ll be there in the summer, but they train in the evening. In order to not use up our own days, we will be accessing the base as members of EABC for the start of the summer, and then we will swap roles (they can sign in as MNC) once their days have been completed.
- Drive AT or UNDER the speed limit in the Range. This is VERY IMPORTANT. When penalized for driving over the speed limit (and there will be guards on duty) we risk losing access to the Range…and when we’re on the EABC list, we’re actually putting their organization in jeopardy. No matter how early or late you maybe to training, always always always go the speed limit (20mph) within the base.
- Directions to the Range, and to the rollerski trails themselves, can be found at this link:
Training Schedule and updates
Our main hub for all training-related information (times, dates, locations, links, weather changes, etc) is the MNC Junior Training Doc below. This is a living document that is updated frequently.
Emails are used to send follow-up videos and “debriefs” from practices, but we rarely use email to coordinate training, travel, and workout details. This is mainly because the size and makeup of our group is constantly changing, with many different skiers involved in many different capacities. The Junior Doc keeps things in a simple and accessible format, and many choose to download the Google Sheets app to view the doc on their phones.
My general goal is to keep the current week updated with specific workouts, times, and locations. The upcoming week is usually pretty solidly laid-out, with the third week out being more of a loose idea…often we wait until we have a good picture of the weather forecast and any upcoming events or opportunities to collaborate with other clubs or groups before solidifying a plan three weeks in advance.
What do I bring to practice?
We now have a dedicated page for this information on our website: under the Resources tab on the homepage you can find the Daily Training Checklist, which is also linked below.
It’s important to note that as of this year, wearing a shirt or tank top is required at the Range. This is a rule from the National Guard and while we intend to have a meeting to discuss training clothing in general (more on that below) this rule within the base comes from a different authority and we will adhere to it.
Training Day 1 (June 21!)
Tuesday, June 21 marks our first day of summer training. We will meet at the Range (remember, you are on the EABC list at the gate) and will use skate rollerskis. That said, the first day is often not a ton of skiing…rather, we will do some games off-skis, some introductions, some fun challenges, and some teambuilding even before we put on the skis.
The Range has hills and corners but also a very novice-friendly section of flat terrain in the stadium for those who have not rollerskied as much. We will gradually try to work up to a level of comfort where the hills are not so intimidating: a big goal of ours every summer is to be able to have the last practice be a session where all skiers (newer and more experienced) can do a relay workout on the same loop!
After training on the 21st, we have a space reserved at the Jericho Community Center by the town green from 11am-1pm. The plan is to have a team meeting for anyone who can/wishes to attend to set some team goals, discuss training theory, and have a discussion about training attire and guidelines we agree on. We’ll pick up some chocolate milk (and creemees??) from the country store across the street.
This meeting isn’t mandatory (certainly some skiers will have other obligations after training) but it’s a general goal to spend some more time outside of training as a group having good discussions and input from coaches and athletes alike on all sorts of topics.
COVID Policy
Updated on May 23: click here
For questions or concerns:
My email is if there are questions. The email address “” also exists, but that account just forward to the Gmail so easiest to go right to the source!
Looking forward to a great summer!

Big squad on day 1
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