Man, it’s hot out there…
The past week of ‘spring’ training has been mid-summer hot, along with bright sun and blue skies. Always important to remember sunscreen and water for sessions in this heat. Additionally, I think a bit too quick and hilly of a run on Tuesday, combined with the change in weather (it definitely takes time to get acclimated to training in the heat!) led to some tired bodies by this morning’s workout.
It was the first bit of real intensity: a 25 minute continuous run with light bounding on uphill sections and jogging on flats and downhills. At this point in the season I avoid doing intervals with too much “prescription”, so to speak…X times X minutes, X times X repeats, and the like…at this time of year, intervals are natural and take advantage of the terrain and the willingness to focus on technique and pacing.
There were some other great sessions this week, including a hill-laden trail run behind Cochrans ski area (we still found some snow to have a snowball fight with on the slopes) and a sweaty strength session at Dorset Park in South Burlington. The planks and pull-ups are really coming along.
On Wednesday, Ethan joined me for a mountain bike ride at Saxon Hill: in a very short time the trails have gone from snow to mud to dry dusty sand. The trails were packed with other riders and as we pedaled out of the parking lot we counted 36 cars; a big-time after-work dirt shred if I have ever seen one!
On Friday, Ethan and Amy took me on a tour around the Pleasant Valley area near Underhill. Amazing stuff! I’m sure many a postcard was created thanks to those beautiful mountain vistas.
Training for next week is being updated on the team Google Doc. Here is the training plan info:
Training Week 7: May 11
Week Type: Medium
Suggested additional workouts:
-Continue to build running, ideally getting comfortable running upwards of an hour at easy paces.
-Strength on your own should (at least) include pushups, dips, planks, tucks, step-ups and pull-ups if you have a bar.
-Try to get in a dedicated strength-type workout aside from the work we do at scheduled practices
-We will introduce rollerskiing for experienced skiers on one bonus session per week beginning NEXT week (week 8)
Additional note: if you rented rollerskis last season and still have them, please check out THIS POST…we are gathering up the skis to evaluate and potentially make some improvements! Thanks-
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