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Summer Training starts next week!

Schools are letting out, and with a heatwave fast approaching this week you know summer is here! Next Tuesday is our first day of Junior training for the new “season” so make sure you are registered!

MNC Program Registration

Whether you are looking to rollerski a few times a week to build up your technique and fitness, or you are jumping into full-time training with action all week, we’d love to have you with the crew. Check out he Junior Summer page on the website for more, and of course follow along on social media, Youtube, or this blog to see what we are up to and what is next for us.

We’re excited to have the Mansfield Nordic Community Center coming online just in time to host some strength training, team gatherings, meetings, and more. There’s a lot of possibilities for this space, and it is another way we hope to connect skiers throughout the area.

If you’re a U16 skier, there are a few spots remaining at U16 Mountain Camp taking place from July 25-28th, and you can check out info and registration for that camp at the link above.

We’ll see you at the start of summer training!

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