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BKL Awards Party &

We will play games, present awards & celebrate with a party. Potluck snacks! Everybody bring something!

This is our last “Official” practice. The Range will still be open for skiing on Tuesdays and Thursdays as long as the snow holds out and Rosemary will be there to ski with kids unless noted on the BKL training schedule.

MNC Skiathlon Recap

We had bright sun and amazing conditions for this year’s MNC Skiathlon! Racers from lollipop age to seasoned Masters all competed on Sunday in one of the club’s premier events. The day began frigid, but the clear skies and abundant sun warmed things up and the atmosphere was fun and exciting. Icy klister and fast snow were the conditions on-hand, and our racers all did great.

7th/8th grade girls heading out on course

Thanks so much to our great events supporters: Skirack, Toko, Rossignol, and of course Craftsbury for putting together an immaculate venue as always. We also had an army of MNC volunteer making sure things ran smoothly! Whether in the timing booth, the registration table, or on the snow, our club pulled off another successful day.

Carl showing the Lollipop skiers the way!

Mike and Kort racing up the steep Chip Hill

Results  can be viewed HERE

Photos (including above) from Dave Priganc can be viewed HERE.

Photos (from Paul Bierman) can be viewed HERE.

BKL Practice 2/12-2/17

Congratulations to all those kids that raced this weekend in our MNC Skiathlon! It was awesome watching you all ski! Check out the BKL Blog for a recap and pictures coming soon!

Klister:  It’s time to take it off!

We’ll be switching back to hardwax by the next time we classic which will be on Thursday. Here’s a tutorial on how to clean the klister off skis:

Tuesday:  Skate (Penguins: Classic)

A big snow storm is supposed to start late this afternoon and continue into Wednesday. Check the weather before you come to determine if you will be OK driving to & from your home and of course, check the MNC website. At this point, the storm isn’t supposed to really get going until later in the evening so I don’t foresee that we will need to cancel.

VIDEO DAY: Vince Franke is a videographer form Peregrine Productions and has kids in our program. He has volunteered to make a Video of our BKL program for me and is going to be videoing our BKL skiers and probably interviewing some of them. We plan to post this video on our website. If any parent would like us NOT to film their child and post it online, please email Rosemary:

We’ll be playing lots of games, practicing tucking on the downhills and racers will be practicing how to pass skiers.

Coming up: Tuesday 2/19- Our Annual Mini-Marathon! We will need everyone to bring snacks (to share) and a couple of parent volunteers to man the food table and lap counting sheets. E-mail Rosemary if you can help that day:  More about the Mini-marathon next week!

Thursday: Classic Relay Day!

With a high of 31F predicted, we will probably be waxing with Swix purple or a mix of Toko Red & yellow.

Sunday: Racers: Ski/Cheer Intervals at Rikert

Middle school racers have a championship race on Saturday, so we’re going to have practice on Sunday down at the Rikert Touring Center where the Eastern Cup races are happening and I will be helping Adam wax for the Juniors. Tentative plan is to meet at 12:00 and watch the start of the Open Men’s 15 km race, then ski out to watch and & cheer and go for a ski. I will email later in the week to confirm plans.




BKL Practice 2/4-2/15/19

Tuesday 2/5: Skate & Classic

*A good day to check the website before you head to practice (rain in AM).

It’s time to practice ski changes for the MNC Skiathlon (Sunday, Feb. 10)

Penguins: Bring Classic

Jack Rabbits Grades 1 &2: Bring Skate only (no ski change at Skiathlon)

Jack Rabbits Grades 3 & 4: Bring both Skate & Classic

Arctic Foxes: Bring both Skate & Classic

Racers: Bring Both Skate & Classic

We will not wax any waxable classic skis, we will practice our ski change with double poling on our classic skis, after that we will skate for the rest of practice.

Penguins: Classic. Rockin’N’Rollin with Coaches Julie & Chris. Last week the tunes were blasting, the slalom poles were set, and the stuffed animals came out of hiding for some fun on skis! Who knows what Coach Julie has in store for this week, but it’s sure to be fun!

Jack Rabbits: Grades 1/2 will skate today: No ski change practice needed- These grades do a classic race only at the skiathlon.

Jack Rabbits Grades 3 &4: Bring both sets of skis and poles. Everyone will practice a ski change. Then we will skate for the rest of practice

Arctic Foxes & Racers:  Even if you are not racing, we will practice a ski change, because it’s fun and it’s a good thing to know how to do well. After, we will skate and play games.

*Racers: If your racer child raced 3 – 5 races in the last 5 days, you should let them take the day off to rest and recover.

Thursday 2/7: Skate & Classic

*Another good day to check the website before you head to practice. A messy weather day.

Everyone bring both skate and classic. If you have no-wax classic, bring those as your classic pair and we will try to do some classic after we practice ski changes. If you don’t have no-wax, we’ll klister your skis.

** Everyone doing the race must CLEAN their classic skis before Sunday. We can’t do it at race site. Rosemary will be available to help you CLEAN your skis after practice on Thursday. Here is a video on how to do it:

Sunday 2/10: MNC Skiathlon at Craftsbury!

It’s our club race!

Sign-up to bring food HERE. Register your child for the race and find out all the details HERE.  Registration for BKL: 11:30- 12:30,  Races start at 1:00 with the Lollipop Race. Raffle & ribbon awards immediately after all the BKL races end. Email Coach Rosemary to let her know you are coming HERE.  Rosemary & Coaches  will be on hand to help wax classic skis and to help kids warm up. Look for us at the Mansfield Nordic Tent in the lower stadium.

BKLers: Time to sign up for the Mansfield Nordic Skiathlon!

The Mansfield Nordic Skiathlon is coming up on Sunday, Feb. 10th. It’s a mass start by age class wave.  Grades 1/2 ski one loop classic. Grades 3-8 ski one loop classic, change to skate skis and ski one loop skate. Distances vary depending on age class:

Grades 1&2: 1.5 km

Grades 3&4: 1km classic, 1 km skate

Grades 5 &6: 1.5 km classic, 1.5 km skate

Grades 7 & 8: 2 km classic, 2 km skate

This is our club race so we hope we have lots of MNC BKL kids there! Everyone gets a lollipop at the finish and a ribbon at the awards. In addition, there is always a great raffle after the BKL awards with awesome prizes from Ski Rack!

Register on SkiReg

We’ll be practicing the ski change/transition at BKL practice all next week!

We need people to bring cookies and snacks for all the BKL kids to have after the race. Sign-up Here if you can bring something.

If you can’t get on the sign-up, email Rosemary and I will put you in!


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