What do we do when there’s not enough snow to ski on at the Range? Spend practice climbing at MetroRocks, that’s what! About thirty BKLers and a large handful of coaches ascended on MetroRocks on Thursday afternoon for a fun afternoon of working on our upper body strength and conquering any fears of height. We used the auto-belays, did lots of bouldering, played twister bouldering and had a little hang-out time with our BKL friends. Certified belayers Coach Kristina and Maise Frankie also belayed kids on non-auto belay climbs. It was fun to see kids climbing a little higher and reaching a little further each time they climbed. It was great fun for everyone. Thanks to MetroRocks for giving us a discount to climb! I think everyone wants to go back sometime soon!
For more photos, see our Flikr album. Thanks to Emilie Diller for taking most of the photos!