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BKL Racers: Do the Stowe Nordic Cross-cut Race!

Set your sights on the Stowe Nordic Classic on January 7!  There is a 2km mass start BKL Race.  Everyone is welcomed to race. For some it will be a sprint, for others, the perfect distance race. Check out our calendar listing and register on Ski Reg. Race starts at noon so arrive at 10:30 to get your skis waxed up. Email Coach Rosemary ( if you plan to go and look for us where the wax benches are set up.


BKL 3-Day Skiers Find Great Skiing in Stowe!

Finally some decent snow for a good long distance workout! Over a foot of snow at Trapps and snow still falling made for great classic conditions on Saturday. Three of our 3-day skiers skied the long way to the cabin for hot cider and snacks! Nice job Julia, Virginia & Carly!:

BKL Training Week of 12/18

2 & 3 day skiers:

We are hoping to have some Guest Coaches join us this week!

Tuesday 12/19:  Skate Technique.

Thursday 12/21: Classic Technique & Hot Cocoa & Snack Day!

  1. Look for the wax benches and send your kids with skis there to get waxed. Any parents who can, please help the kids get waxed! It helps to get to the Range EARLY!
  2. EVERYONE bring water jugs/bottles if you can to contribute to the Hot Cocoa (Water at the Range is not potable).  I will bring herb tea as an option.
  3. Bring  a snack to share- cookies, gorp, fruit, gluten free snacks are great – we have a couple of gluten free kids and at least one nut allergy so please label any baked goods accordingly. Parents with allergic kids should monitor their kids’ snacks.
  4. If you can help with putting out the snacks and making the hot cocoa, please e-mail Rosemary at

Saturday (3-day skiers): No practice this weekend. Ski on your own if you can!

Friday Foxes

More fun at the Range!  

People who picked up rentals:  Please label your equipment by applying a piece of painter’s (preferable) or masking tape to each ski, boot and pole and writing your child’s name on it.  About ten of the kids have identical equipment!


NENSA SWIX Apparel Store Now Open!

NENSA and long-time sponsor, Swix, are teaming up to offer the BKL SWIX Jacket program again this year! This program is a benefit for NENSA Clubs, such as MNC.   Click here: NENSA SWIX Jacket Program to see what you can get this year and for more info.

How to Order:  All orders are through your club, so e-mail  Coach Rosemary at
with: your name, telephone number, e-mail, your child(ren)’s name, the item name, size, color and price. Then send a check for the full amount made out to Rosemary Shea-Cobb, 22 Brookside Rd, Westford, VT 05494.

All orders are due to Rosemary by Friday, Jan. 13.  I will place our club order on Jan. 14. I think we will get the order a month later- around Feb. 15.
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