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BKL Parent Meeting on Zoom

Lots of important and useful information! Parents of BKL kids should attend!

MNC Coach is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: BKL Parent Meeting
Time: Nov 29, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 5824 8749
Passcode: 167518
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BKL- Looking for a Camp?

Looking for a fun active camp for your BKL-aged child this summer?  There are a number of camps around the region and word has it that a number of them still have room. Most of these camps focus on fun, doing active adventures and introducing kids to rollerskiing. NENSA has put together a great list of camps and links and you can find it all HERE. Check it out!

NWVT BKL Mini-Fest!

Relays were the name of the game at this year’s NWVT BKL Mini-Fest held this past Sunday! Instigated during the pandemic last year, our NWVT District liked our mini-fest so much that we decided to do it again with a relay twist! The Frost Mountain Club at Rikert stepped up to the plate to host and organize the event. There was a lollipop race, age group relays and a mini-marathon to Bergen Cabin where skiers could warm up with hot chocolate and cookies. Luckily, last Friday’s snowstorm blessed Rikert with about 8 inches of powder and the skiing was great!  We had a strong turn-out from Mansfield Nordic Club and some awesome skiing from Lollipop up through Grades 7/8!

Oliver and Bella with Hanna who led out all the races. Thank you Hanna!

Mo and Lena ready to warm up for the 7/8 relay.

Ryley and Kate have paired up many times over the years!

Pearl and Astrid made for a fast team!


The start of the 5/6 relay. You can see Astrid and Oakley (49).

5/6 skiers are off!

Craftsbury Day!

The Wednesday during school vacation week is always Craftsbury Day for BKL.  With about 130 kilometers of beautiful trails and impeccable grooming it is a mecca for cross-country skiers in the east and we are so lucky that it is within a 1.5 hour drive for most of us.

This year, a small but hearty crew of MNC BKLers met at Craftsbury, toured the trails, had lunch together and then finished the day with relay races. Fun was had by all and Coach Nancy’s cookies were delicious and greatly appreciated! Some pictures below.


Jack Rabbits on a tour with Coach Peter.


Jack, Oliver, Bella and Rory ski up this hill with ease!

Waiting for their relay partners!

Liam, Astrid, Pearl and Coach Tom did an adventure ski with Coach Rosemary. Where? We’ll never tell!

BKL Practice: Week of 3/01

Tuesday, 3/01: Classic Relay Day!

We will all do some fun relays today and practice relay tag-offs as well.

Penguins: Please bring a stuffed animal (one that you won’t mind getting a little snowy!).

Jack Rabbit Parents:  We need some parent helpers for Jack Rabbits 1 and 2 during our March sessions. Sign-up here:

Jack Rabbit Coaching Doc. 

Thursday, 3/03: Skate

We will all build our stamina with a long, keep-moving, tour today and Racers will practice some starts and finishes.

Racers:  BKL Festival Weekend- March 5 & 6:

For those going to the Festival:  Souring Over Snow is the theme! Time to work on your costume: wings, bird hats, capes, glitter. We can dress up for the parade.

Plan to clean classic skis after Tuesday. You will need to wax Skate skis after Thursdays’ practice (or use an extra pair of skis). I will try to post a wax recommendation on Wednesday.

Soon to come: BKL Fest Virtual Meeting

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