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BKL Program Start-up: 1/07/2020

Good News! With the recent changes in VT COVID restrictions, we are able to start up our BKL programs at Bolton, as long as we have enough snow there to spread ourselves out.

Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers will start on 1/07/20, 4- 5:30, Bolton Valley Nordic

Penguins will start the following Tuesday, 1/12/2020, 4- 5:30, Bolton Valley Nordic

Parent ZOOM meeting on 1/05/2020 at 7:30 for all groups.  Info and Zoom link HERE.

Update 1/04/2020: FIND YOUR CHILD’s SUBGROUP

Meeting Places:  

Penguins:  By the Sports Center Main Entrance

Jack Rabbits 1 & 2: By the Swing Set

Arctic Foxes 1, 2 & 3: By the Row of Fruit Trees in front of the Sports Center

Racers 1, 2, & 3: By the Woods between Parking lot and entrance to Picnic Loop.

We will be operating a little differently this year, so please attend the meeting to get all the details.

The Basics:

  1. You will need to fill out a health screening form for each child before you come to each practice. Bookmark this link:  MNC Health Screen Form.
  2. Ski from your car. Kids should change and put boots on in your car and use it as a base.
  3. There will be a meeting place set-up for each small group to meet their coach.
  4. We will wear masks in the parking lot and while skiing. The only time we will take them off is when we are going really hard and we are 6 ft. or more apart.
  5. Don’t congregate in the parking lot when picking up or dropping off kids and remember that there is no place to wait inside (i.e. be on-time for pick-up).



BKL Parent Zoom Meeting

Meeting will be recorded.  Zoom invite and info is below. For questions or if you are having trouble w/ meeting invite, email Coach Rosemary:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 0870 1731
Passcode: 646035
One tap mobile
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 830 0870 1731
Passcode: 646035
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BKL Practices Vacation Week: NENSA BINGO!

Hi BKLers! We always suspend practices during December Vacation and this year will be the same. However, to give you some incentive to hop on your skis and get out there over the vacation, I am suggesting that everyone do NENSA’s BKL BINGO game! You can win a US Ski Team hat or a $20 LL Bean gift card! Read all the details and download your Vermont BINGO card here:  BKL BINGO

Just some info on places to ski in the area:

Bolton– Adam groomed the 1 km loop on 12/18 and reports are that it is pretty good. You are welcome to go and ski it. Check the MNC website for latest conditions.

Sleepy Hollow– Their snowmaking loop is now about 600 m. long and they keep adding to it. It is great skiing! You can get a pass & sign in online. Check it out: Sleepy Hollow

Rikert– They got 10 inches in the last storm and almost everything is open! I skied here on Saturday and report that it was quite good. A few rocks in places, so if you have rock skis, opt for those. Passes and reservations needed: Rikert

Craftsbury– They have about 3 km of manmade skiing. They require reservations, passes and special bibs for the manmade loop. The last storm completely missed them.

Places to the South that got a lot of snow and are probably worth a day trip (be sure to check status on their webpages before going).

Woodstock Nordic, Mt. Top (Chittenden), Ole’s Cross-Country (Waitsfield), Strafford Nordic

BKL Practices Week of 12/15/2020

I hope some of the kids got out on snow this past week before the melt-down! This week will be back to seasonable cold temps but there is no snow in the forecast until the weekend. I have put together a number of Dryland and On-Snow options for all groups. In our area, Sleepy Hollow looks the most promising for on-snow time this week. They have a 300 meter loop and will be able to make and spread more snow this week. If you hear about snow in the mountains, be sure to check the MNC website for conditions at Bolton, which will probably be skiable again with just a few inches of snow. Otherwise, I’ve got some dryland activities for you: Playground Agility and a Nature Hunt for Jack Rabbits and Penguins and Strength BINGO, a Scavenger Hunt and  a V-1 focus workout for Arctic Foxes and Racers (plus on-snow options in case you can get on snow).  As always, please feel free to email me with questions and send me photos I can post! Enjoy!


Jack Rabbits

Arctic Foxes



The Search for Penny the Penguin!

While Arctic Foxes and Racers searched for a Treasure Box in Richmond this past week, Penguins and Jack Rabbits were encouraged to go for a hunt on the Honey Hollow Trail to find Penny the Penguin. A couple of you found her too! Penny left her spot on the HH Trail today for a well-earned rest but she will be back. Who knows where she’ll turn up next?

Bella found Penny!

Oliver and Finn found Penny too!

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