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BKL Virtual Practices Week of 12/01/20

Hey BKL kids and parents! We may not be able to get together to practice right now, but you CAN do some things on your own. Each week, I will be posting some suggested practices for you to do on your own for each different program. Be sure to send me pictures so I can post them and if you have any questions, please email me at  Stay safe, wear your mask when you go out, and hopefully, we’ll be able to get together for practice soon!

Click on the link below for your program to see this week’s practice:


Jack Rabbits

Arctic Foxes



MNC BKL COVID Guidelines

All our BKL programs are on hold right now, but we will be getting back to skiing sometime this winter, we hope. We have developed the following guidelines for our BKL programs, so please read so you are ready to go when we get word that we can hold our practices again. Until then, be safe and get out there and ski when the snow flies!


MNC BKL COVID Guidelines:

Risk is inherent whenever you go outside your home in these times of COVID 19. Our goal with these guidelines is to minimize the risk of anyone transmitting the virus at our ski practices. We are lucky in that our sport is low-risk because it’s outside and it’s possible to social distance while skiing. We have developed the following guidelines to keep our practices safe. We ask that all our participants read and agree to them. Parents should read the relevant sections to their children. 


Monitoring for Symptoms

  1. All kids and their families are asked to diligently self-screen for symptoms of illness. 
  2. No child or parent should attend practice if feeling at all sick, even if illness is suspected to be allergies or a mild cold. This includes: Temperature of 100.4F or above, cough, chills, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. 
  3. If coaches notice a child showing symptoms of illness, we will contact a parent and ask that the child leave practice. 
  4. If you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 and are in quarantine, please stay home. 
  5. All families should be aware and follow VT Travel Guidelines and restrictions that can be found HERE
  6. If you are in quarantine for another reason, please stay home. 


Contact Tracing

  1. Coaches will be taking attendance and keeping lists of who is in each group each day to aid in contact tracing. If you cannot attend practice, please email Coach Rosemary so we know what your situation is. 


  1. We have set our program limits to allow for smaller group sizes of under ten people total. 
  2. Within their groups (Penguins, Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers), kids will be broken up into smaller groups to make a 1:8 coach to child ratio. Kids will stay in these groups throughout the season. 
  3. We hope to have one additional parent volunteer accompany each of those smaller groups. If you can be this volunteer, please contact Coach Rosemary! 


Distancing & Masking Guidelines

Everyone must wear a mask at ski practice. 

  1. When you ski fast and hard, it’s difficult to breath through a mask. We will let kids take off their masks when we are skiing hard and can maintain a minimum 6’ distance between each other. 
  2. When we play games or gather for directions, we will put on our masks. A mask that can hang around the neck when pulled off and be pulled back up easily is ideal.


Arrival & Use of Indoor Space

  1. Please do not carpool to practice with other families. Infection can easily spread in an enclosed space like a car.
  2. Ski From Your Car. Although the Sports Center will be open, there is a 30 person limit on the number of people allowed inside and it’s safer for us all if we don’t go inside.  Plan to leave gear and extra clothing in your car.  Dress children warmly because we will not be going inside to warm up, except in an emergency. Kids will meet all coaches outside.
  3. Waxing on classic days will be done outside. 
  4. The bathroom inside the Sports Center will be available for use but kids will need to be able to go in by themselves or be accompanied by their parent(s).  We will not have an indoor volunteer monitoring children indoors as in previous years.  Everyone will need to wear a mask if they go inside for any reason. 
  5. Parents should carry hand sanitizer in their car. It’s a good practice to sanitize kids’ hands both before and after practices. 
  6. Leave promptly at the end of practice. Don’t hang out or let your kids hang out in the parking lot or elsewhere to socialize. Communication with coaches & others can be done electronically. Arrive, ski and leave


Parent Presence

  1. All Penguins need to be accompanied by a parent on skis (or snowshoes if skis are not possible). 
  2. In Jack Rabbits, any child that can not take his or her skis off and on needs to be accompanied by a parent. Likewise, if your child needs to be accompanied and assisted to go inside to the bathroom, a parent needs to accompany the child. 
  3. Arctic Foxes and Racers should be able to put on their own equipment and handle going inside to use the restroom by themselves, so parents need not accompany them. However, parents are encouraged to ski themselves, do our masters program or tag along with us if they’d like (you can pick up some great ski tips!). 


Program Changes

  1. Practices will be a little different this year. We will do more agility and skiing and fewer games. 
  2. We are working on some non-contact games that can be played while maintaining some social distance while still wearing masks. We will use soft foam balls during tag-like games and use lines drawn in the snow instead of hand relay tags. 
  3. We will still teach and coach technique. We can easily do this with masks on and when we are 6 ft away from participants. 


Competition (Races)

  1. Individual starts. All our races will be individual start instead of the usual mass start age group waves. 
  2. Inter-club competitions. We will have these when the state guidelines allow. We may do our competitions as “matches” with one other club at a time. 
  3. Time trials- we will be able to have our own club only time trials.
  4. Be flexible and open. We plan to be as resourceful and creative as possible but things are evolving day to day and we must all be ready for last minute changes. 

BKL Practice 2/18- 2/23

It’s Skiathlon Practice Week!

We’ll be practicing our ski changes all this week in preparation for this Saturday’s MNC SKIATHLON at Sleepy Hollow in Huntington!  ALL BKL kids can do this race (not just Racers) and we hope they do! There is even a Lollipop race for the Penguins!  This race raises money for our scholarship fund so come out and support it!


Penguins: Classic

Jack Rabbits Grades 1&2: Bring Skate Skis

Jack Rabbits Grades 3 &4: Bring Classic & Skate equipment

  • No classic waxing today, we’ll practice our Skiathlon transitions and then SKATE ski for the rest of practice

Arctic Foxes & Racers:  Bring Classic & Skate equipment

No classic waxing today, we’ll practice our Skiathlon transitions & then SKATE ski for the rest of practice.


JR, AF & Racers: Bring Classic & Skate equipment

We will Classic wax today. We’ll practice Skiathlon transitions & then CLASSIC ski for the rest of practice.

Saturday: MNC SKIATHLON- Everyone can race!

2/21 WAX RECOMENDATION: CLASSIC Skis: Clean all old kick wax from kick zone.  Tips & Tails & Skate Skis:  Hot wax with TOKO NF or Base Red or SWIX CH7 (or other non-fluro similar temp wax).   

At: Sleepy Hollow Inn & Ski Center, 427 Ski Lodge Dr., Huntington, VT

The BKL races are in the afternoon. Coach Rosemary and other coaches will be there to classic wax and help kids warm up.

Arrival: By Noon. Registration closes at 12:30.  When you get there:

1) Get Waxable Classic Skis to Coaches: Look for the MNC Banner and wax tables (by the Round Barn)

2) Register:  Go to registration in the Round Barn and get your bib. Put it on and put on your skis boots.

3) Preview the Course:  Get your skate skis and go back to the coaches who will be taking kids out on the course for previews. We’ll also check out the transition zone.

4) Before your Race: Ski around to warm up for about 10-20 min. Just before your grade level race, be sure to put your skate skis (& poles) in the transition zone (people will be there to help).

Questions?  Email Rosemary

We’ll be there to help!


Registration & Schedule


BKLers, Masters & Juniors: It’s time to register for the MNC Skiathlon!

Our MNC Skiathlon is this Saturday, Feb. 22 at Sleepy Hollow in Huntington!  We are hoping for a good turn-out for this fundraiser which supports our scholarship fund, so give it a try! Open Men & Women, Juniors and the “What The Heck I’ll Try It! Race” is in the morning and the BKL kids races are in the afternoon.

In a Skiathlon, racers ski a classic loop, transition to skate skis then ski a skate loop. Grades 1&2 ski a classic loop only. The “What the Heck…” race is a 5 km, your choice of technique and is designed for first timers who want to give racing a fun try and support the scholarship fund.

Registration: By Thursday midnight on SKIREG. Schedule on SKIREG as well. Day of Race registration also available for an increased fee (so sign-up early & SAVE $).

Contribute to the concession stand!  Sign-up HERE

See you there!



BKL Parents- We need your help Feb. 22!

Hi BKL Parents!   Our MNC Skiathlon race is coming up on Feb. 22nd.  This race raises money for our scholarship fund and will be held at Sleepy Hollow Inn & Touring Center in Huntington. BKL has been given the task of running a small concession stand for lunch.  We really need one person to organize the concession (make a sign-up genius, be there to set it up), a few more volunteers to help run it and lots of people to donate crockpots of chili, cornbread and homemade snacks.  If you can help, please email Lisanne Hegman at

Thanks so much!!

-Coach Rosemary

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