Tuesday 1/12:
Penguins: Classic
Penguins will meet Coach Rose and helper Lily in front of the Sports Center entrance.
Jack Rabbits: Classic
A tour and some double poling today.
Arctic Foxes: SKATE!
Beginners will learn the basics and everyone will focus on V-1.
Racers: Classic
A tour and double pole focus.
Kick Wax: TOKO Red or SWIX V 45 (Special Purple). If you have wax on from your last practice, just cork it in well and add one layer.
Thursday 1/14:
Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers: SKATE
Jack Rabbits will work on the basics and we’ll all keep working on V-1.
Saturday 1/16: Racers at Craftsbury
Change of Plans: Sunday 1/17 Practice at Sleepy Hollow
Saturday’s driving is looking dicy. We will practice on Sunday closer to home.
Skate Technique
10:30 AM-12 Noon
SIGN-UP if you are coming, so we know to look for you.
Questions? Contact me: sheacobb19@gmail.com