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BKL Practice Week of 12/17-12/22-UPDATED

Tuesday 12/17: Dryland or Classic at Mill River Park

The Range is not going to be open to us for skiing tomorrow, but we are hoping that they will be good to go on Thursday.

We are supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow throughout the day tomorrow, and with frozen ground, we should be able to ski on very little in the fields at Mill River Park. Bring your classic equipment (no-wax if you have it) and your running sneakers just in case. I will bring wax and a bench for those who will need wax. We will end when it gets dark (4:45/5 pm). Remember that there is no inside space to warm up at Mill River Park.

Thursday 12/19: Check back before you leave for changes!

Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & MS Racers: Classic at the Range

We are going to take advantage of cold temperatures and fresh snow and go classic again. Everyone should meet inside today due to the cold (dress extra warmly). Racers and others with waxable skis will get waxed up inside.

Saturday 12/22: Racers & MS Racers

Skate at Craftsbury Outdoor Center, 11 AM- 12:3o PM.

Coach Rosemary is in Waterville this weekend so Coach Jen will lead the charge!  Meet her at the Touring Center at 11 AM. Racers are responsible for purchasing a trail pass ($5) or a season membership.

BKL Practice 12/03 -12/07

Tuesday 12/03- Check the website on Monday night for an update regarding the snow.

Penguins, Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & MS Racers:

Meet inside the Walker Building. We will go over the rules, then break into our groups and do some intro & team building games, then go outside for some ski specific drills & games.

Plan A: On Foot (not enough snow to ski yet)

Wear sneakers, warm socks and dress in layers. Bring warm boots to change into for after.

Plan B: Everyone will go Classic

If there is enough snow, we will ski. Racers & other waxable skiers- if you have no wax skis, please bring them instead of waxable today.

Thursday 12/05: Check back on Wednesday night for plan changes!

Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes, Racers & MS Racers:

Meet outside in meeting places at 3:45.  We will do more team building games, adjust ski pole straps, and focus on some agility.

Plan A: On Foot (not enough snow to ski yet)

Wear sneakers, warm socks and dress in layers. Bring warm boots to change into for after. Bring skate & classic poles. If you would like coaches to check your skis & boots, bring them too.

Plan B: Skate- if we have enough snow to ski.

Saturday 12/07: Racers & MS Racers

Classic at Craftsbury Outdoor Center, 9:30-11 AM

Meet Coach Rosemary in the Touring Center at 9:30 AM to get waxed up. Racers are responsible for purchasing a trail pass ($5) or a season membership.





Saturday 12/07: Racers & MS Racers


BKL Program Starts Dec. 3!

Get the kids’ skis dusted off and make sure those boots and poles fit because the snow is here early and BKL practice begins at the Range on Tuesday Dec. 3!  All groups should meet inside the Walker Building this first day. Kids will meet their coaches, we’ll do a few intro words and games and get out to ski if there is snow, or get out for some dryland & games in our sneakers if there is no snow. Check the website (BKL Weekly Training Schedule ) to confirm the technique (classic or skate) and practice plans.

BKL Practice: 3/12- 3/14/29

Skate Week!

Tuesday 3/12:  Penguins Classic, Everyone else Skate

Penguins- Last Day of Practice

Thursday 3/14: Skate

Awards Day! Bring some snacks to share for our party! We’ll play games on skis and then go in to do our awards.

**Check the website before you go today because it is supposed to be warm and rain, which could mean the Range will close. If it closes, we will do our awards on Tuesday 3/19 in conjunction with UVM Fun Day.

**Note- I changed our last day of practice to 3/19 so we could get in the always popular, UVM Fun Day!


BKL Practice 3/5- 3/10

Tuesday 3/5/19, Town Meeting Day Rules!

Penguins: Classic

Everyone Else: Skate

Be ready for anything, because it’s ski practice by democracy! Majority rules!

Thursday 3/7/19, Classic Tour Day!

This will be one of our last Classic days, so we will celebrate with a long tour.

Weekend Race Opportunities:

3/09/19 Saturday: Craftsbury Spring Fling BKL (Skate)

The open race starts at 10 am and the BKL race will start after that. It will be a mass start (all ages together I think) and will be 3 or 4 km. Coach Rosemary will be there. Let me know you are coming with an email! Registration on Ski Reg  and Day of Race Registration.

3/10/19 Sunday: NE Club Championship Relay

There is a BKL division for this race. 4 person teams each ski 5 km, 2 go classic and 2 go skate. Get your team together and split the cost. Registration & more info on Ski Reg. Coach Rosemary will be racing this one and can help with BKL skier’s wax. (Let me know you are coming!)


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