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First Summer Week

We’ve had veteran Pugs as well as a LOT of new skiers joining us this summer, which has made for a really exciting time at our sessions. 30 skiers all rolling around Sprint Loop is quite a sight!

Big squad on day 1

Since it was our first official week of Summer training, we got in two of our big fitness tests which we’ll repeat again in a few weeks. First up was the double pole test on Thursday. 1 kilometer of uphill rollin’! The newer rollerskiers watched at the halfway point with coach Perry while rest of the crew did the test. Lots of fast times for the first test of the year: big PR for Sammie Nolan and PRs for Quincy, Marika, and Conor. A bit of video below, as well as the test archive.

The next day, we continued one of the coolest parts of the summer and an element I’ve been most excited about…the MNC Bikegang! We’ve always had a few athletes into mountain biking, but the sport is definitely enjoying a big push in Vermont. But an excited crew combined with a lot of nice weather has made our rides a really popular session each week. We’re officially graduated from the mellow trails at Saxon Hill and are looking to take our shred somewhere new next week!

MNC Bikegang at Saxon! 

Saturday brought us to the uphill run test at Bolton, where we had a lot of first-time participants putting their times in the record books. Rose had an awesome run and hit the 2nd fastest women’s time ever, and Hanna improved by over a minute from the spring version of the test. You can check out the full archive of times here.

We were missing a few folks on Saturday due the the start of the REG (Regional Elite Group) camp in Lake Placid. Greg, Conor, Aidan, Magda, Ali, and Quincy are all spending the next week training with the top athletes in New England and coaches like Andy Newell and the US Ski Team’s Bryan Fish. I’ll try and pass on some photos and results from that camp as we continue to head into another week of big training at home in Vermont!




Mid-week update and Photos

As summer draws to a close, we are shifting our training focus from base & endurance and now we are adding in more moderate intensity work. We are still doing a variety of activities as well as our normal strength and technique work. Below are several pictures from our last week of training:

Eli, Lukas, Bill, Sam and Henry (L to R) practicing a sprint start today.

Eli, Lukas, Bill, Sam and Henry (L to R) practicing a sprint start today.

Abby Grab, Kate Moino and Tatum Braun (L to R) on the sprint start today

Abby Grab, Kate Moino and Tatum Braun (L to R) on the sprint start today

Liam et al doing skate sprints last Thursday

Liam et al doing skate sprints last Thursday

Parker and the gals doing some hill sprints last Friday

Parker and the gals doing some hill sprints last Friday

Sam and I doing some technique work last Friday after our run

Sam and I doing some technique work last Friday after our run

Greg Burt, Ben Carnahan, Will Solow and Dakota Amblow (far to near)

Greg Burt, Ben Carnahan, Will Solow and Dakota Amblow (far to near)

Sam and Ben with Camel's Hump in the background. Midway through our 25 mile Monday morning ride

Sam and Ben with Camel’s Hump in the background. Midway through our 25 mile Monday morning ride

Ben Longenbach, Will and Coach Rick Costanza with a view down Bolton. After ski-walking intervals last Saturday

Ben Longenbach, Will and Coach Rick Costanza with a view down Bolton. After ski-walking intervals last Saturday

Henry followed by Ethan Thibault and Ethan John last Saturday

Henry followed by Ethan Thibault and Ethan John last Saturday

Murray, Charlie and Will (L to R) praciting sprint starts

Murray, Charlie and Will (L to R) praciting sprint starts

Garrott Kuzzy re-joins MNC this summer!

I am excited to announce that 2010 Olympian Garrott Kuzzy will re-join our coaching staff this summer. Kuzzy has an exhaustive list of accomplishments as a skier, not to mention his unparalleled enthusiasm for sport and working with youngsters. Garrott will lead bi-weekly rollerskis on Thursday evenings this summer.

MNC adds Brendan Copley to summer staff!

I am excited to confirm that Brendan Copley (Colchester HS class of 2012) will help MNC this summer with weekly running and foot workouts on Friday mornings.

In addition to being a great young man and mentor for the athletes, Brendan already has a very impressive athletic background. He was a VT State Champ in running, runner-up in the 1500m (sub- 4:00!) in addition to skiing for Colchester.

In his first year running at D2 Quinnipiac University, Copley was one of the top performers on his team throughout the entire season — setting PR’s of sub-33 in the 10km and sub-26 in the 8km.

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