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Moderate Intensity Running workouts

Many of our athletes have running fitness as a high-priority for late-Spring and Summer. The following slides should help you understand how to implement some workouts on your own.

I characterize “pace” and tempo workouts in the “moderate intensity” portion of the spectrum. I believe some coaches and athletes may refer to “pace” workouts as “steady state” workouts.

Sample Running Workouts - Slide 1



The “annual training pyramid”. The training cycle starts at the base of the pyramid with general fitness and endurance. As you progress, you gradually get more and more specific:

Sample Running Workouts - Slide 2



Below are some specific examples of workouts that fall into these categories. At this time of year, pace workouts can be done 1-2x per week, whereas tempo workouts are less frequent.

Sample Running Workouts - Slide 3

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