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Junior Training 9/1 – 9/14

While I still use this weblog to update our training plan, the MNC google doc is the absolute best location for current information. If plans change mid-week, the google-doc will reflect those changes. Please bookmark the above link to the google doc and visit it regularly!

This Week:

Tuesday = Classic roll at the Range, 4:00-6:00pm. We will do our new double-pole test (longer than the old Greystone test). After that we will do some L3 double-pole intervals. Celebrity guest coach Jennie Bender (2x national champion!!)
Wednesday = Distance double-pole at Mud Pond, 4:00-5:45pm. Wear bright clothes.
Thursday = Skate roll at the Range, 4:00-6:00pm. Distance ski with approx 12×30″ speeds interspersed.
Friday (optional/on your own) = Fast n Female event (gals) and Speed Camp (boys) in Lake Placid, NY.
Saturday = Track intervals @ TBA, 10:00-11:30am. Approx 5x2000m intervals at L3 intensity.
Sunday = Distance classic ski at TBA, 10:00am – noon.

Next Week:

Tuesday = Catamount 5km or 10km running race. Please wear your MNC shirt!
Wednesday = Distance double-pole at Charlotte Beach, 4:15-6:15pm. Celebrity guest coach Garrott Kuzzy (2010 Olympian)!!
Thursday = Skate ski at the Range, 4:00-6:00pm. Distance ski with approx 15×30″ speeds interspersed.
Saturday = Bolton hillclimb time-trial, 10:00am – noon.
Sunday = Distance classic ski @ John Camp (Milton), 10:00am – 1:00pm.

Period 2 Training Plan

I will be in Italy from May 12-23, hence no organized training in that time. Once I return, we will begin training 3x/week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Workouts in red indicate organized team sessions that I will lead.

NOTE: This plan includes some MTB races at Catamount as weekly hard workout. Also note in early June there are 2 running races: the Colchester Causeway 5km or 15km on 6/7  (details online via link from our google calendar) as well as a Tuesday night running race at Catamount on 6/10.

Period 2 plan. Daily and weekly hours are for an annual plan of ~320 hours. Adjust accordingly.

Period 2 plan. Daily and weekly hours are for an annual plan of ~320 hours. Adjust accordingly.

Spring Training Plan: Period 1

Below is an updated training plan for the next 4 weeks. I will lead workouts that highlighted in red:

  • Saturday 4/26 = 10:00-11:15am. Road bike from Round Church (Richmond)
  • Tuesday 4/29 = 4:00-5:30pm. Trail run, strength, agility, stretch at Mud Pond (Williston)
  • Thursday 5/1 = 4:00-5:30. Strength, plyos and running at Essex HS.
  • Saturday 5/3 = 10:00-11:30am. Road bike from Union Memorial School (Colchester)
  • Tuesday 5/6 = 4:00-5:30pm. Running, strength at MMUHS (Jericho)
  • Saturday 5/10 = 10:00-11:30am. Pleasant Valley road bike from Browns River Middle School (Underhill)
Period 1 training plan: weeks 1-4

Period 1 training plan: weeks 1-4

Annual Training Hours & Spring Training Plan

Annual Progression (annual training hours):

First, see the chart below for sample annual training hours for nordic skiers. These numbers come from my experience as a coach, guidelines from national teams (US Ski Team and other countries), and they are steeped in the practical terms of what I think is reasonable. Note: these are guidelines, but by no means rules. There are absolutely 16-year-old boys training 500-600 hours per year, and there are also nationally competitive boys that are likely training <375 hours per year and having success. But, this at least gives an outline for parents and athletes to better conceptualize what it takes to be a skier.

Guidelines for annual training hours

Guidelines for annual training hours based on gender, age, goals, and commitment-level

Spring Training Outline:

Below is a training outline that athletes can use to guide training over the next few weeks. At this time, athletes should “get back to the basics”

  • get used to running … be safe … avoid injury
  • get used to cycling and other cross-training
  • remember to take it slow
  • get back into strength training
  • stretch: maintain or increase range-of-motion (boys: especially important!)

The information below would roughly correlate to an athlete on an annual plan of 285-300 hours (15-year old boy on a “local” plan or a 16-year old girl on a “regional plan). You can adjust the numbers by multiplying by a fraction (1.3x for a 15yr boy on a “national” plan).

As you can see in the file below: Monday April 21st is the start of hte 2014-2015 training season. In the ski world, late-April is widely considered the new training year, and high-level skiers are done with their vacations to Costa Rica and back to training by May 1st!

Spring training outline

Spring training outline


Junior Training: 10/21 – 11/3

I have yet to receive any notification from the National Guard regarding usage of the Range, so we are still using alternate training venues again this week. Athletes should wear bright clothing when we rollerski on the roads. It is getting darker and colder in the evenngs, so please be prepared with proper attire!

This coming week is an INTENSITY week:

  • Tuesday 10/22 = Bounding intervals at Research Forest, 4-6pm.
  • Thursday 10/24 = Classic roll  at TBA, 4-6pm.
  • Friday 10/25 = Juniors help w/ BK practice at Mill River, approx 3:30-5:00pm.
  • Saturday 10/26 = BONUS Bolton Hill Climb #2, approx 10:00-11:30am.
  • Sunday 10/27 = Rollerski with Specific Strength at TBA. 9:30-11:30am.

Followed by a RECOVERY week:

  • Tuesday 10/29 = Classic rollerski + Specific strength and sprints at TBA, 4-6pm.
  • Thursday 10/31 = Skate rollerski + Specific Strength at TBA, 4-6pm.
  • Friday 11/1 = bonus HR zone test, strength, games at Essex HS, 4-5:30pm.
  • Sunday 11/3 = Skate intervals at Mud Pond, 9:30-11:30am.
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