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Junior Training 9/23 – 10/6

This coming week is a “Volume Week”

  • Tuesday = Bolton ski-walking (headlamps?). 3:45-6pm.
  • Thursday = classic roll + long L2/L3 intervals at the Range. 4-6pm.
  • Friday = bonus Run + HR zone analysis. 4:00-5:45pm at CVUHS.
  • Saturday = bonus Road bike ride. Bring friends/family. Depart Dorset Park at 10:00am. Loops can be anywhere from 12 miles to infinity! Tim’s group will ride a popular 35-mile route (the “Tuesday Night Worlds” loop). Estimated finish time for the 35-mile loop is 12:15-12:30pm.
  • Sunday = Long rollerski @ Bear Trap Road (Milton). 9:30am-11:30ish. Bring skate and classic gear.

Tentative Plan for 9/30 10/6 (Recovery week):

  • Tuesday 10/1 = Skate roll + L3 and short intervals @ the Range, 4-6pm.
  • Thursday 10/3 = Classic roll + run. Spd, strength, technique @ the Range, 4-6pm.
  • Friday 10/4 = possible bonus run… TBA. Fischer Fit Night at Skirack.
  • Saturday 10/5 = bonus Skate rollerski with GMVS in Waitsfield. Details to follow.
  • Sunday 10/6 = Classic @ Round Church w/ agility and Sp.Str. 9:30am-11:30.

Junior Training 9/16 – 9/29

This coming week is a “Speed Week”

  • Tuesday = classic roll + short intervals at the Range. 4-6pm.
  • Thursday = Skate w/ technique, agility and speeds at the Range. 4-6pm.
  • Friday = bonus Run + striders. 4:00-5:15pm at On the Rise in Richmond.
  • Saturday = bonus Bolton Uphill Run. 9-11am at Bolton Ski Resort. 
  • Sunday = Classic roll w/ long speeds & Sp.Str. @ Mud Pond. 9:30-11:30am.

Tentative Plan for 9/23 9/29 (volume week):

  • Tuesday 9/24 = Classic roll w/ long L2/L3 intervals @ the Range, 4-6pm.
  • Thursday 9/26 = L2/L3 Ski walking @ Bolton (headlamps?). 3:45-6pm.
  • Friday 9/27 = bonus Road run, Round Church. Wear bright clothing. 4:00-5:30pm.
  • Saturday 9/28 = bonus Road bike ride. Bring friends/family. Depart Dorset Park at 10:00am. Loops can be anywhere from 12 miles to infinity! Tim’s group will ride a popular 35-mile route (the “Tuesday Night Worlds” loop).
  • Sunday 9/29 = Long rollerski @ Bear Trap Road (Milton). 9:30am-11:30ish.

Training Week #2

FYI- the Range is scheduled to re-pave this week and to have it completed around July 4th.
  • Monday, 8:00– ~10:00 at Mud Pond (off out South Road in Williston).
    • Road bike
    • Jake Hollenbach will lead the more experienced riders ~25-30 miles (1:30-2:00).
    • Tim will lead the less experienced riders ~15-20 miles (1:00-1:30).


  • Tuesday, 8:30-10:30 at MMUHS
    • Skate rollerski with specific strength, running, and games.


  • Thursday, 8:30-10:30 at Browns River Middle School
    • Classic rollerski with specific strength, running, and games.


  • Friday, 8:30-10:00 at On the Rise Bakery (Richmond)
    • Running with short sprints and games


  • Saturday at Bolton
    • Option A: 9:30-11:30 at Bolton Mountain ski area. Hiking and moderate intensity intervals with classic ski poles.
    • Option B: 8:30-11:30am. Classic rollerski up Bolton access road, followed by hiking and intervals up Bolton Mountain with classic ski poles.

Training Info for Week 1

If you didn’t receive an email with the following information on Sunday, that means you haven’t registered! Please do so ASAP:

Welcome to the 2013 ski season! We will begin our training this coming Tuesday so make sure you’ve got your tips sharp and you’re ready to go!
  • Be sure your NENSA license is current before Tuesday. Visit to purchase or renew.


Training this week:

  • Tuesday, 8:30-10:30 at MMUHS. Skate rollerskiing, running, strength.
  • Thursday, 8:30-10:30 tentatively at MMUHS. Classic rollerskiing, running, strength.
  • Friday, 8:30-10:00 at Colchester HS. Running, legspeeds, and games.
  • Saturday, 9:00- noon-ish. Camel’s Hump hike from the Duxbury side.

What to bring?

  • positive attitude and work ethic!
  • appropriate clothing for the activity and weather
  • water bottle carrier (and food if necessary)
  • appropriate gear for the activity
  • helmets are MANDATORY for all rolling activites. No helmet = no training

I will have rental rollerskis for those of you that are renting. Please show up at least 20 minutes early if you are renting rollerskis.

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning at MMUHS.

Juniors: Training 12/31 – 1/6

This is a speed week with an opportunity to race on Saturday.

  • Tuesday = no organized training. Easy/fun skiing on your own or with your team!
  • Wednesday = 4:00 – 5:30pm at Sleepy Hollow. Classic ski with short intervals and speeds.
  • Thursday = 4:00 – 5:45pm at the Range. Skate ski with speeds and games.
  • Sunday = approx. 9:00 – 11:00am at Sleepy Hollow or Catamount. Low intensity ski with speeds and specific strength.
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