Daylight savings hit us pretty hard this week when you take into account the lack of power that kept the Range in its tight grasp. The area right around the Range (read: my house) was out of power for over 6 days, and the Range fared even worse. A generator kept the lights in the Walker Building illuminated, but the lights on the trail were a no-go. That meant it was time to bust out the tiki torches we still had in the closet from last year’s Notch ski!
Luckily, we had a few more sessions during the daytime hours over the weekend, including a L4 bounding session at Honey Hollow with the St. Mikes team, and our first SKI of the year on Sunday at the Notch!

Hi-Viz bounding on the first day of hunting season

The gang atop a snowmaking pile at Smuggs
The bounding intervals were tough, and the higher up the road we went the more snow fell from the sky and graced the ground. Another good taste of burning iron and cold lungs from working hard in the chilly air! The ski we had on Sunday was also really productive as far as first-of-the-season skis on the Notch Road go. We did a bit of activation drills and then got in some specific strength V2ing up the entire Jeffersonville side of the road before having some fun practicing downhill skills and then adventuring over to the alpine trails at Smuggs to play on the snowmaking piles. Check out some footage below! Only one more week until Thanksgiving Camp and the snow guns are firing at Craftsbury!
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