It looks like spring skiing weather in St. Albans this weekend! A week of freeze-thaws, a race-time temp in the mid-30s, and a natural snow base will mean softer and dirtier snow. Here is a simple wax recommendation that should help repel dirt as long as possible and keep skis moving through the wet snow.
- Use a glide wax cleaner (note: this is NOT the same as a kick wax remover!) to remove as much dirt as possible: put some of the cleaner on a rag, wipe it down your ski base, let it dry for 20 minutes, and brush thoroughly with a metal brush.
- If you don’t have a glide wax cleaner, do a “hot-scrape” of your skis. To do this, apply a mid-to-warm wax like CH8 or Toko Red. After ironing, wait only a couple seconds before scraping to brushing to try and pull dirt particles out of the base.
- Actual race prep begins with a neutral NF layer of a semi-hard wax like Toko Blue or Swix CH7. Scrape and brush.
- Race layer is a yellow warm glide wax like Toko Yellow or CH10. Scrape and brush well after letting cool fully
Bonus: Look for the MNC wax bench (possibly tent) on site, where we will have a bench set up with a structure tool and some Toko NF Yellow spray to add to your skis if you like.
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