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What does Fall look like?

A few notes on Junior Fall Training as we prepare to enter a new season. We’ve never had such a productive summer with such a motivated group! It’s time to keep the momentum rolling.

The Range

We have access to the Range one day per week in September, October, and November. Right now we have Tuesday afternoons slotted-in but the consensus seems to be that Thursday afternoon works better for the majority of skiers. The primary weekly rollerski day would therefore be Thursdays from 4-6PM.

Afternoon Training

We will plan afternoon training (4-6PM) on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Morning Training

There is a really great interest in more morning sessions for either skiers with free periods, OR skiers just willing to get up a little early. Based on athlete feedback and schedule notes, it sounds like the following allows for the most flexibility and attendance:

Tuesday OR Wednesday morning 8AM (may change weekly, may be 7:30): Morning rollerski at Cochrans in Richmond

Thursday OR Friday morning 7:30AM (may change weekly): Morning rollerski at Burlington Bike Path (meeting at skatepark)

Weekend Training

With most XC races taking place on Saturdays, we will try to parallel our own MNC training with a harder running or skiing workout on Saturdays, balanced with a long easy-distance rollerski on Sundays.

Rollerskiing vs Running midweek

We will rollerski in the afternoons on some days as long as daylight provides, in addition to our time at the Range (where lights allow for skiing after dark).

Once it gets dark earlier, we will need to switch to trail-only (running/biking) options and be off the roads in the afternoon. We will then rollerski during

  • Our Thursday Range timeslot
  • Our morning sessions
  • Either Saturday mornings, Sunday mornings, or in some cases both days

1-Day? 2-Day? 5-Day?

1-Day program is ideally for skiers looking to add one weekday (Thursday) rollerski session, which will often be upper-body focused

2-Day program is for experienced skiers looking to add weekday rollerski training and possibly a weekend ski such as an overdistance roll on Sunday

5-Day program is for athletes not competing in a fall sport. This is realistically more like a 6-Day program, with Sunday often being a training day and Monday as our “off” day

You can read more sample details on this page, and sign up for MNC fall programming at this link.

Waiting on some bad news…but it won’t slow us down!

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